laputa@2003-06-08 11:57
Thank youlengjie0223@2003-06-08 12:05
厉害chuen@2003-06-08 13:03
Thank you for uploading the latest story of Inuyasha so fast. Looking forward to read the next one.zxcvbnm@2003-06-08 13:21
感謝你~~~~~~~四子嘲风@2003-06-08 13:31
唉啊,那么快一话就完啦~~~~~~~g7yop@2003-06-08 13:52
thx u for sharing, download in progressitoh@2003-06-08 14:24
谢谢了,这次等的时间不长niederschlager@2003-06-08 16:07
这回到蛮快的呢:)souldecision@2003-06-08 16:24
Awesome!!! Thanks so much for just about everything, guys. You guys are the best!!! Keep up the good work.風之劍@2003-06-08 17:19
謝樓主hsnml@2003-06-08 18:41
这回出的速度好快啊,辛苦大大了!alavan@2003-06-08 19:06
thx了fishbao@2003-06-08 19:44
多谢拉~~兰色物@2003-06-08 20:13
虽然很短,哎~~!还没看过瘾呢~,还是很精彩。小小水精@2003-06-08 20:22