『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>being stuck in a little god-k ..

being stuck in a little god-knows-forsaken-where town means

Harmatia@2004-06-08 05:30

Cell phone does not work. A normal ground phone costs an astronomical amount of money a month. I can't even call the internet access company because "the number you called cannot be accessed from the area you are calling from". And in any case they probably won't even install it because the place is so goddamned remote.

seiyafan@2004-06-08 07:39

I think Verizon has the largest coverage in New York state. Then again, just farm land alone covers 25% of the total land in the state, not to mention forests and woods. So if the people in your small town happen to share their backyards with deers, I would even curious to know if they can get TV reception or not. (I think a satellite dish would do the trick)

By the way, there is something called Satellite Internet, their service providers claim that you can get service if you can see certain parts of the sky or something like that. So be sure to check it out while you are still in Queens. :D

Arael@2004-06-08 08:18

You're fine as long as you have IP (with sufficient bandwidth) and food :P
Seriously, even in some major cities, mobile phones do not always work too...
Wireless phone service in US is years behind East Asia....

seiyafan@2004-06-08 08:37

最初由 Arael 发布
Wireless phone service in US is years behind East Asia....

That is because when US first invented wireless we had to go through mistakes to get to where it is now, whereas China just adapted our technology, took the good stuff and the shortcuts. Right now in US wireless providers use either CDMA of GSM (I think eventually one is gonna take over the other, but it's a pain in the ass to do), but in China I don't think they have two standards.

Lizard@2004-06-08 09:16

what the hell is that...?

JanusWang@2004-06-08 09:21

最初由 seiyafan 发布

That is because when US first invented wireless we had to go through mistakes to get to where it is now, whereas China just adapted our technology, took the good stuff and the shortcuts. Right now in US wireless providers use either CDMA of GSM (I think eventually one is gonna take over the other, but it's a pain in the ass to do), but in China I don't think they have two standards.

you are out of date. China has 2 encode/decode ways: CDMA and GSM。they are not 2 standards just 2 ways. and they can not make noise to each other.

silverpin@2004-06-08 10:34

cell phone sucks

and thatz why it's always convenient to bring some quarters with u :D

myrion@2004-06-08 10:42

最初由 seiyafan 发布
Right now in US wireless providers use either CDMA of GSM (I think eventually one is gonna take over the other, but it's a pain in the ass to do), but in China I don't think they have two standards.

really? as i know at&t use tdma system...or trasfer to gsm?

as tdma and cdma go, different area take different carrier. most cdma phones got lock code to bind the particular carrier. gsm is convenient in this though not broad enough. actually the coverage of every wireless system got strong points and weak points. in my opinion, ask friends about local service before applying a new mobile phone.(except nationwide plan)

Harmatia@2004-06-11 00:43

最初由 silverpin 发布
cell phone sucks

and thatz why it's always convenient to bring some quarters with u :D

Are you kidding me? I haven't seen a pay phone in forever......

gemini22g@2004-06-11 04:27

最初由 JanusWang 发布

you are out of date. China has 2 encode/decode ways: CDMA and GSM。they are not 2 standards just 2 ways. and they can not make noise to each other.

China unicom provides GSM or CDMA. China mobile provides GSM and GPRS.

seiyafan@2004-06-11 04:38

企鹅is a hermit, haha. :D

Harmatia@2004-06-11 05:39

最初由 seiyafan 发布
企鹅is a hermit, haha. :D

A very unwilling one, I assure you. = =

1111111@2004-06-12 15:01

er....I thought Verizon has phone everywhere in NYC....do you really need Satellite for internet in Queens???

seiyafan@2004-06-12 15:04


Harmatia@2004-06-12 23:20

最初由 1111111 发布
er....I thought Verizon has phone everywhere in NYC....do you really need Satellite for internet in Queens???

New York State =! New York City
