『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[请教]又是关于SAT的~ ..


beidog@2004-04-12 03:34

有没有什么经验可以分享啊~例如怎么去PREPARE等等~我想在SPRING BREAK~参考一下!谢谢!!!

白色雅达@2004-04-12 04:21

Are you going to take SAT II as well?

solid snake@2004-04-12 23:46

what is SAT?
or it is a english test as IELTS?

Novia@2004-04-13 03:25

SAT.....偶也要考了........................ ><


偶也谬啥米经验可分享给楼主的。。。。。。。8过偶看偶的同学几乎人手一本"10 real SATs"~~~~~~~~~、然后猛做。。。。。。。。。- -+

seyes@2004-04-14 06:11


beidog@2004-04-16 02:24

朋友告诉了这样的一个网站~关于SAT VOCA的!不知道有没有用啊!http://www.takesat.com/vocabulary.php

emb422@2004-04-20 11:50

Bon chance...
Here's my history:
June 03 (10th grade): Verbal 540 Math 730
Jan 04 (11th grade): Verbal 690 Math 800

just need 10 more points in verbal... sad...

lukang668@2004-04-21 19:16

SAT is the test for entering college
SAT II are only required by California university system. if you are going to any of the univeristy in california, most likely you need to take SAT II
for SAT, you can take as many times as you want, and your best score will be recognized by the college you have applied.
if you got a low score in verbal part, you'd better take TOFEL as well and submit your TOFEL score to the college you have applied.

math is really easy, as long as you finish algebra II in high school, and some geometry. you should be able to get perfect score on math.
for verbal part.. heh, i dont know, cramping for vocabularies ^_^
go to library and search for some SAT books, they are pretty useful.
and good luck on your SAT V ^_^ V

Novia@2004-04-22 00:16

最初由 lukang668 发布
SAT is the test for entering college
SAT II are only required by California university system. if you are going to any of the univeristy in california, most likely you need to take SAT II
for SAT, you can take as many times as you want, and your best score will be recognized by the college you have applied.
if you got a low score in verbal part, you'd better take TOFEL as well and submit your TOFEL score to the college you have applied.

math is really easy, as long as you finish algebra II in high school, and some geometry. you should be able to get perfect score on math.
for verbal part.. heh, i dont know, cramping for vocabularies ^_^
go to library and search for some SAT books, they are pretty useful.
and good luck on your SAT V ^_^ V

老師告訴偶。。。大學只喜歡你考2次SAT啊。。。。太多就8值錢了。。。。。。。。 - -+


lukang668@2004-04-22 03:38

最初由 Novia 发布

老師告訴偶。。。大學只喜歡你考2次SAT啊。。。。太多就8值錢了。。。。。。。。 - -+


hmm, depends on what university you have applied. but there is no up limit of how many times you can take the test.

I forgot about the fee =P. but it is not expensive at all. should be less than $30, TOFEL fee is a bit more expensive, like $120.

beidog@2004-04-22 09:15

最初由 emb422 发布
Bon chance...
Here's my history:
June 03 (10th grade): Verbal 540 Math 730
Jan 04 (11th grade): Verbal 690 Math 800

just need 10 more points in verbal... sad...


beidog@2004-04-22 09:19

最初由 lukang668 发布

hmm, depends on what university you have applied. but there is no up limit of how many times you can take the test.

I forgot about the fee =P. but it is not expensive at all. should be less than $30, TOFEL fee is a bit more expensive, like $120.

lukang668@2004-04-22 10:07

SAT II is math, verbal and one elective(you can choose to take Chinese , but chinese test is not offered very month)

btw, perfect score of SAT is 1600 (800 math, 800 verbal)

Harmatia@2004-04-23 08:52

嗯~I came to the US in 9th grade

SAT II...took Biology, Writing, and American History

it won't look all that good if you take Chinese SAT II...they probably can guess you are a native speaker

Novia@2004-04-24 00:33

最初由 lukang668 发布

hmm, depends on what university you have applied. but there is no up limit of how many times you can take the test.

I forgot about the fee =P. but it is not expensive at all. should be less than $30, TOFEL fee is a bit more expensive, like $120.

TOEFL怎麼這麼貴啊。。。。它的滿分是多少呢。。。。。。。。。 ><

SAT素8素全國統一的???還素各州不一樣。。。。。。。。。 @@
