最初由 麻油子 发布
炎殊之红玉@2008-10-25 05:55
这话真的是兄妹线完结么?9616777@2008-10-25 07:24
我在看这话的时候,总觉得会出现RH。。。。。。。。。。。9616777@2008-10-25 07:31
引用最初由 麻油子 发布
kyo3303236@2008-10-25 09:36
引用最初由 I.G.ko 发布
zhengtxwd2@2008-10-25 10:10
引用最初由 白虎星降 发布
【春原】"You have to nod to that ... Wait, you're actually agreeing?!"
【朋也】"You're wonderful."
【春原】"Being told that to my face is pretty embarrassing..."
【春原】"Anyway, I'll earn money by using my looks at my new job."
【春原】"It looks like I'm headed towards being a model, huh?"
【春原】"I might be used in a fashion magazine or something."
【春原】"It's also possible that I'll have a debut in show business from being a model..."
【朋也】"Please stop..."
【朋也】"Please stop doing this... 春原..."
【朋也】"You'll get all popular..."
【春原】"Well, yeah, 'cause I'll be a star."
【朋也】"If you become a star, the time we spend together will disappear..."
【春原】"Well, that is..."
【朋也】"I don't want that..."
【春原】"Hahaha, you don't want to be lonely, huh. It's all right, I'll put you in the 春原 Army too.
【春原】"Well, it's kinda like the Ishihara(石原) Army, but..."
【朋也】"No way..."
【朋也】"Don't make an army like that"
【朋也】"Don't you realize that there are other people close to you already?"
【春原】"Well, yeah, but..."
【朋也】"You know... 春原... I...."
【朋也】"Lately, I've been meeting up with all kinds of different girls..."
【朋也】"All of them were different..."
【朋也】"But, from them, I got an answer..."
【朋也】"It was you..."
【春原】"What are you talking about? I don't really get it..."
【朋也】"To be brief... I mean I want to be with you."
【朋也】"I want to be together with you forever."
【朋也】"...Am I not good enough for you?"
【春原】"No, but, I want a girlfriend too, and if that happens..."
【朋也】"So I'm not good enough, huh?!"
【春原】"Wait, 朋也..."
【春原】"You mean... you want me to choose you... for a girlfriend...?"
【春原】 "I don't really swing like that..."
【朋也】"Well I do!"
【春原】"I... I didn't know..."
【朋也】"Yeah... well, I just realized it now..."
【朋也】"Up until today, I've been meeting various girls, but none of them got me excited at all..."
【朋也】"So, 春原..."
【朋也】"Be only my 春原 forever."
【春原】"I... I wonder about that~"
【朋也】"Please! Aren't we best friends?!"
【春原】"Let's put an end to our being best friends then."
【朋也】"Let's go beyond being best friends!"
【春原】"Um, no thanks, I'll pass..."
【朋也】"Why's that, damn it..."
【朋也】"Fine, I get it. I'll look for someone else."
【朋也】"I'm cutting it off with you."
【春原】"Wait a second!"
【朋也】"What do you want? You're a complete stranger to me now."
【春原】"Well... We've already been friends for so long... You don't need to say you'll cut me off..."
【朋也】"Then you'll go out with me?"
【春原】"Both choices are too extreme!"
【朋也】"Ah, I love that face."
【朋也】"So, how about it? What's your choice?"
【朋也】"Cutting off our friendship or going out."
【春原】"This is the ultimate decision, huh..."
【朋也】"Come on, if you don't answer already I'm leaving."
【春原】"Fine... I'll go out with you...for now..."
【朋也】"All right then, from now on that's the kind of relationship we'll have."
【春原】"Yeah... Someday please go back to how you used to be."
Sixth period continues, homeroom ends, then after school.
【春原】"Finally, classes have ended."
春原 stands up and makes a triumphant pose.
【朋也】"Is there something going to happen today too?"
【春原】"Yeah. My room's getting more cyber."
【春原】"I'm gonna hook up a game console on that TV I borrowed yesterday."
【朋也】"春原, that's really cyber!"
【春原】"Isn't it?"
【春原】"It's wasteful to have a TV and not do anything with it."
【朋也】"You're so smart."
【春原】"Well then, for now I'm off to get the stuffs."
【春原】"Hehe, this is too easy."
春原 beside me holds a game console to his chest.
He let me carry the controllers and games in a paper bag. They were also borrowed from underclassmen.
【春原】"Next is playing the games. No way I'm disconnecting this.
【朋也】"Yeah, seriously."
【春原】"Let's play fighting games 'til the skin on our fingers peels off!"
【朋也】"Hahaha! If it peeled off it would hurt and we wouldn't be able to play any more!"
【春原】"All right! I'm gonna connect it."
As soon as we enter the room, 春原 promptly begins to connect the system to the TV.
【春原】"Hey, go plug it in there."
He hands me one side of the cable.
Since his butt was pointed towards me, I plugged it in there.
【春原】"Like that would work?!"
【春原】"Plug it into the console!"
【朋也】"Sorry, I just thought I had to exploit you."
【春原】"All right, setup complete."
【春原】"Now all that's left is sticking in a game."
【春原】"Choose one you like."
I pick out a game from the bag and insert it into the system.
【春原】"Switch on!"
春原 pushes the switch.
A brown bar floats up and becomes the title screen.
【春原】"...Fun with Arithmetic?"
【朋也】"He's making a fool out of you...There's nothing but educational games..."
【朋也】"Yeah, it means you're being treated like a little brother..."
【朋也】"Shit, 春原, what should we do..."
【春原】"I wish I had checked the games before borrowing them..."
【朋也】"Shall I go raid him?"
【朋也】"I can't forgive someone who makes a fool out of 春原."
I shake my clenched fist.
【春原】"W-wait! Calm down!"
【朋也】"What? This doesn't piss you off? I'm really angry about this."
【春原】"Well, there's just a little bit of time before graduation, and causing a fuss over this would be just what they'd expect."
【朋也】"I see... I didn't realize."
【朋也】"春原, you really are smart. You're the greatest!
【春原】"Well, it's just that you're too nasty..."
【朋也】"From today on, I'm going to live in this room too."
【朋也】"Yahoo! I love that face!"
Before night falls, I go home for a bit and put my luggage in order and return to the dormitory.
Inside the corridor, 春原 was on the phone.
【春原】"Oh, really now? Do what you want."
Gachan! He slams the phone violently against the receiver.
【朋也】"What's wrong?"
【春原】"My little sister said she's coming over, she doesn't listen..."
【朋也】"Little sister?!"
【朋也】"You... You have a sister?"
...I never knew.
【春原】"Hey, what's with that big luggage... It looks like you ran away."
【朋也】"Yeah, and I don't plan on going back."
【朋也】"Can I try too? Eeeek!!"
【朋也】"So, what's your sister like?"
I sit back and start up a conversation.
【春原】"She's just a normal girl."
【朋也】"Yeah, I had a feeling she was like that."
【春原】"Yeah. Just a normal girl. A bit brother-obsessive, though..."
【朋也】"Brother-obsessive... That's a great word, especially when you say it."
【朋也】"But, since your sister's coming, is something bad going on?"
【春原】"Her motive is what's bad."
【朋也】"Motive? She has some motive for coming?"
【春原】"She's... coming to check on whether I'm okay or not."
【朋也】"You're fine, aren't you?"
【春原】"Yeah, healthwise..."
【朋也】"Well, if it's not health, then...?"
【朋也】"Mental health, huh..."
【春原】"She always cheered me on in soccer..."
【春原】"And she was feeling proud that despite me being an idiot, I was able to get into a good school because of my soccer skills..."
【朋也】"You're not an idiot!"
【春原】"Yeah... that's why she's really worried about me..."
【春原】"So she wants to see with her own eyes how I'm doing, probably..."
【朋也】"But your little sister's a student, right? Does she have the time to kill to come here?"
【春原】"Tsk... She's probably ditching..."
【朋也】"That's something you two share, huh."
【春原】"You hit the bull's-eye."
【朋也】"But you're like a shining bright diamond."
【春原】"What should I do..."
【朋也】"Why don't you just show her you're healthy?"
【朋也】"How does playing soccer naked together and laughing with each other sound?"
【春原】"That's sick."
【朋也】"Then... how about we get naked and stand on top of the school gate meaninglessly in our free time?"
【春原】"Why are we naked in all your plans?!"
【朋也】"You just have to have it your way..."
【春原】"I'm just saying I'm not `lively' in that sort of way."
【春原】"To be brief..."
【春原】"What we have to show is that I, who have lost my dream, have found another happiness."
【朋也】"Another happiness, huh..."
I stare intently at 春原's face.
What `happiness' could have possibly appeared to him?
【朋也】"No, I just realized, the happiness that's come to you, it's the fact that I exist as your lover."
【朋也】"Next time you make that face I'll kiss you."
【朋也】"Ah, there you go. *smooch*"
水无月七夜@2008-10-25 10:41
我想起了国足楚薏@2008-10-25 10:44
引用最初由 Endless_Freedom 发布
rangersas@2008-10-25 13:30
谁剪辑一个魔王用SLB轰飞足球部的视频????落油Я@2008-10-25 14:45
號稱製作精良如京阿尼也要崩,啊哈哈。第三代D-Joe@2008-10-25 14:53
其實原著裡兩年前的事根本錯在春原,動畫卻把足球部直接改成完全惡役算了sirbillk@2008-10-26 12:16
引用最初由 FCS-31 发布
Conoca@2008-10-29 00:08
引用最初由 銀白色的光 发布
我考 太多吐槽的地方了 比我看銀魂還多
朋也 你老婆身體不好上次淋雨生病了 這次還不吸取教訓 我再考 渚這次還居然沒事
第三代D-Joe@2008-10-29 18:21
第7話「彼女の居場所」hello1zkeytype@2008-10-29 18:27
引用最初由 第三代D-Joe 发布
unkstar@2008-10-29 18:38
引用最初由 hello1zkeytype 发布