『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创]The Road to a More Pe ..

Exodus@2004-03-01 07:08

最初由 emb422 发布
I reserve my opionion on such contraversial issue...

But I certainly do not appreciate what the mayor of San Francisco is doing now. I'm not condamning the cause of his actions, but the constitutionality of such actions...

Don't you mean "controversial", "opinion" and "condemning" ?:D

Anyway, since America is not really governed by the centre autocracy,
and the state can create/change its own laws*, there is nothing constitutionally wrong with the issue, and I personally think it's a step to a more liberal America.

siusiusalem@2004-03-02 08:50

I support the homosexual marriage personally...
It's not that I am a homosexual..
but I think human is not natural from the begining...
Then why should we using those "excuse" to stop them getting marry.
Instead, marriage is just a symbol that showing the society would accept them as normality...
So, why not?

Exodus@2004-03-03 02:24

Indeed, why not?

Why don't we accept others?

We fear. We are insecure. We do not agree.

American Homosexuals earn the most, commit least crimes, and are the
most sociable.

seiyafan@2004-03-03 07:17

最初由 siusiusalem 发布
but I think human is not natural from the begining...

Just curious, could you elaborate on that?

emb422@2004-03-03 10:33

More liberal America indeed...
But when things get too liberal, they are no longer liberal--they are simply "extreme" or radical.
Now, as a moderate, I do not oppose changes. However, I just want to make sure that certain values must be kept to maintain the order and the "level" of society. After all, it is through some of those "extraneous changes" that our society has decayed in moral to the stage as it is today. The society is bad enough already, how can we allow it to get worse? How can we impose the pleasure of some few people upon the comfort of the majority? Personally, I couldn't care less what those people do in private; but the legalization and the implied endorsement of such actions in a common-wealth, in a civil government will only make the society a step forward towards dissolution, towards anarchy.

By the way, making spelling errors is a VIRTUE.

emb422@2004-03-03 10:38

最初由 Exodus 发布
Indeed, why not?

Why don't we accept others?

We fear. We are insecure. We do not agree.

American Homosexuals earn the most, commit least crimes, and are the
most sociable.

Why don't we accept others?
Why do we accept others? Only because we can gain socially, politically, or financially.

We do fear, we are insecure, and we certainly do not agree.

But what does it matter? Issues are upon individuals to solve themselves! That is the sole reason why we are not all automatons, all programed the same way!

Therefore, I, as an individual, certainly have the undeniable rights to voice myself about my opionion on some... very intersting topic. To legally allow homosexual marriage will not benefit me in anyway, and instead will only hurt me--for I certainly will lose some of the already diminished faith I have on society, and our race.
