『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Are you conservative, liberal ..

seiyafan@2004-01-20 11:09

Are you conservative, liberal, or neutral?

in what situation? spending someone else's money or spending the night with someone in bed? :D

emb422@2004-01-20 11:20


well, sorry I forgot to put "anarchist" as an option

1111111@2004-01-21 12:20

最初由 emb422 发布

well, sorry I forgot to put "anarchist" as an option

I am socialist...
hmmm, I am not there!?!?!
(Become a socialist after playing 37hr of Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun)

emb422@2004-01-21 12:53

最初由 1111111 发布

I am socialist...
hmmm, I am not there!?!?!
(Become a socialist after playing 37hr of Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun)

Socialist is "far/extreme left"...

By the way, Victoria is really a great game!!!
However, I am not going to spend any time on that game until I finish my Russian Campaign in Europa Universalis II...

Lizard@2004-01-21 13:17

a quiz in civics shows that im in liberal..:p

1111111@2004-01-22 07:20

最初由 emb422 发布

Socialist is "far/extreme left"...

By the way, Victoria is really a great game!!!
However, I am not going to spend any time on that game until I finish my Russian Campaign in Europa Universalis II...

...it is too hard...
I have revolts all over the place...
I create armies just to suppress revolts (this make me #1 in military rating)..
To change the people from labors or farmers to clerks or craftmen are very bothersome.... the computer should do that automatically (but it won't so I have to find the provience and change myself...)

After 37hr, I finally finish 100yr... and prestige is not high enough...for getting #1....
then I use cheat to get to #1...nothing special, no movie, etc.
I think this game is more fun with multiplayer...but the servers always empty

emb422@2004-01-22 11:55

最初由 1111111 发布

...it is too hard...
I have revolts all over the place...
I create armies just to suppress revolts (this make me #1 in military rating)..
To change the people from labors or farmers to clerks or craftmen are very bothersome.... the computer should do that automatically (but it won't so I have to find the provience and change myself...)

After 37hr, I finally finish 100yr... and prestige is not high enough...for getting #1....
then I use cheat to get to #1...nothing special, no movie, etc.
I think this game is more fun with multiplayer...but the servers always empty

You got to play one of the Paradox's game online!
It's fun, as long as you can get 2 or 3 friends to play with you.
But, remember that too many people can make the game very frustrating. (you'll see someone pausing every 10 seconds or so)

1111111@2004-01-22 12:37

none of my friends play strategy game....
they play gunbound .... or no game at all...

Can you turn off the pause feature....it would be too annoying for multiplayer...

PS: In Transportation Tycoon (OLD...) I pause a lot....
Never try multiplayer cause I cannot find ppl...

kouhoutei@2004-01-24 00:17

U said that the "left" value freedom more than order,but communist party value order more than freedom.

emb422@2004-01-25 02:52

well, communist party value "equality" above all, so therefore it is to the far left.

Compare communist parties with fascist parties, of course communist parties offer more freedom...

edlzh@2004-01-25 06:30

最初由 Harmatia 发布



jingwen@2004-01-25 09:03

Did anybody watched George B. Bush's State of The Nation address? Mr. Bush was so happy with his so-called Tax-Cut, but I don't see any good of it to the common people, don't see the economy revival that he's talking about. hypocritical person.

1111111@2004-01-26 01:01

no I did not watch the state of the union address
tax cut...for the rich only

jingwen@2004-01-26 01:30

最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
我觉得在经济政策上也有所不同的. 不过其政治本质是相同的. 资本主义政党都是维护资产阶级利益的. 富人当然维护富人的利益, 那些政党领导人,那些议员哪个不是钱堆出来的? 所谓的竞选筹款等同于公开受贿收贿. 知道美国的Spoils System吗? 从Democratist的发起人Andrew Jackson就开始了.

emb422@2004-01-26 10:11

The tax-cut?

Actually, tax-cuts benefit the middle and the lower class indirectly... What it does is put more money into the economy by reducing the most from the higher class. In turn, the higher class will have more money to create more job opportunities or to manueaver better in business, thus saving the economy.

As a fiscal policy, tax-cut usually doesn't take full effect for 2 to 5 years...
