最初由 Anderson 发布
I'm from Imperial College London (remember no comma between college and London) Nice to see you guys!
Anderson@2003-05-30 01:19
东三是E3还是地铁的3区呀?后者可不算east end了。偶在SW7风之阡陌@2003-05-30 20:52
地铁三区aerospace@2003-06-22 20:49
引用最初由 Anderson 发布
I'm from Imperial College London (remember no comma between college and London) Nice to see you guys!
Exodus@2004-02-17 08:10
Hmm, I'm in london too (half-term)涂鸦的孩子@2004-02-22 07:23
引用最初由 瞌睡虫 发布
涂鸦的孩子@2004-02-22 07:24
偶也在LONDON啊..mitchvicky@2004-02-22 19:36
不知道楼主找在伦敦的人做什么呢?aerospace@2004-02-23 00:19
i'm in london too