最初由 solid snake 发布
koerner@2004-02-18 18:20
从放假那天又开始日夜颠倒的生活,开始并没有这样的打算,只是在不知不觉中就变成了这个样子.solid snake@2004-02-18 20:39
正在为换签证而烦恼Raywell@2004-02-18 23:43
我们学校的Break下星期才开始,不过加上这个周末一共是九天!JanusWang@2004-02-19 00:59
引用最初由 solid snake 发布
Harmatia@2004-02-19 02:55
同烦同烦jsan@2004-02-19 03:54
Never had a full reading week because of my program.Exodus@2004-02-19 04:01
Muwaha, Half-term now for me~ wohoo~FIVE@2004-02-19 04:15
My spring break start at Mar 8 after the midterm exam. I'm looking forwards it.Exodus@2004-02-19 04:21
My easter holidays start @ March 25th..httang@2004-02-19 08:53
I envy you guys... still in school... for me, I started working already and the world is tough....Exodus@2004-02-19 08:57
The world is always tough, it doesn't matter if you're studying or workingbeidog@2004-02-19 09:27
暑假我也是过着通宵的生活啊~那时回了大陆呢!windy_elf@2004-02-19 12:37
放假本来就是用来睡觉和玩的,什么麻烦的事都等到开学再说。windy_elf@2004-02-19 12:39
我也快要开学了,可是我偷懒没有按照规定的时间去报到,真不知道到时候去学校会不会惹到什么麻烦呢。mitchvicky@2004-02-19 17:55
为什么我们学校从来没有reading week呢,sux