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青BB@2004-01-14 15:59

大家可以去看看……= =




Enterprise Performance Management
CorVu helps customers to significantly improve business performance by integrating and automating the management processes of strategy development, budgeting, business modeling, planning, performance monitoring, reporting and analysis, and scorecarding. CorVu can automate your Balanced Scorecard, as well as Six Sigma, EVA, Total Quality Management (TQM & EFQM), ISO 9000, and Baldrige National Quality Program systems.

Business Intelligence
CorBusiness fulfills all enterprise business intelligence needs with end-user OLAP analysis, interactive reporting, database queries, executive dashboards, KPI alerts and what-if analysis.

Balanced Scorecard
CorStrategy.Scorecard provides the latest innovation in scorecard automation; empowering users to more effectively align valuable resources with strategy, thus having the most strategic impact on performance. CorVu pioneered the automation of Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard, and our Balanced Scorecard was the first to be certified by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative.

Information Delivery
CorVu offers web-based and two or three-tier Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions that combine business intelligence and strategy management applications to help organizations reach greater levels of performance. CorVu solutions provide a range of information delivery options and may be configured for any organizational structure and any EPM methodology, whether deployed in one department or across a global enterprise.


CorStrategy is Enterprise Performance Management

More than ever before, organizations need a comprehensive strategy management solution to help effectively execute strategy and achieve goals. To meet this need, CorVu introduces CorStrategy.

This new Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) suite will help customers to significantly improve business performance by integrating and automating the management processes of strategy development, budgeting, business modeling, planning, performance monitoring, reporting and analysis, and scorecarding.

CorStrategy links and aligns an organization's strategic resources - people, information and the decision-making process. This creates a clear understanding of corporate strategy and establishes accountability, while proactively monitoring actions and performance against company targets. We are working with our customers - many of the world's leading organizations - to develop the best solutions to meet the diverse needs of today's businesses.

CorStrategy offers a 100% web-based, centralized approach to the collection, consolidation and reporting of performance results so organizations can quickly adjust strategies to ensure success.

CorStrategy can be configured for virtually any organizational structure and any EPM methodology, whether deployed in one department or across a global enterprise. Comprised of three fully integrated management applications - CorStrategy.Scorecard, CorStrategy.Risk and CorStrategy. Finance, CorStrategy is the unique 100% web-based enterprise performance management solution that not only enables you to communicate, monitor and manage strategy, but it also deploys in the speedy timeframe necessary to derive maximum return on investment.

CorStrategy.Scorecard provides the latest innovation in scorecard automation; empowering users to more effectively align valuable resources with strategy, thus having the most strategic impact on performance. CorStrategy.Risk allows companies to monitor, manage and mitigate risk, ensure regulatory compliance and enforce corporate governance. Closely related to strategic scorecards, this component empowers companies to mitigate risks that might derail strategy execution. CorStrategy.Finance is designed to allow companies to align budgets with the strategy and manage the finance process as it relates to business strategy.

View CorStrategy brochure



CorStrategy.Finance allows organizations to strategically align budgets and centralize the financial reporting process. Since budget managers are often dispersed throughout the organization, CorStrategy.Finance makes is easy to provide custom and secure centralized control of budget reports and scorecards in a 100% web-based environment.
CorStrategy.Finance is designed for easy use by senior executives and requires minimal training. Integrated with CorStrategy.Scorecard and CorStrategy.Risk, CorStrategy.Finance aligns the budgetary process with strategy and drives performance improvement.

CorStrategy.Finance offers pre-defined reports and analyses to review projected performance or comparison to actuals, which may be exported to virtually any general ledger accounting system. CorStrategy.Finance supports the rolling forecast Beyond Budgeting methodology, but provides a comprehensive financial management solution to support any business model. CorStrategy.Finance may be quickly distributed across the entire enterprise with minimal IT involvement.

· Empowers budget managers at all levels of the organization to make better decisions based on local knowledge

· Provides a complete web-based budgeting solution for fast deployment and low total cost of ownership

· Leverages the value of data in general ledger (GL) and spreadsheet applications

· Requires minimal training with an easy-to-use GUI

· Minimizes budgetary error by reducing data entry and eliminating complex macros

View white paper, Beyond Budgeting: Enterprise Budget Management with CorStrategy.Finance

View CorStrategy brochure



Executives must effectively manage risks that may prevent the execution of strategy. Providing a strategic view of risk management while facilitating risk methodology deployment throughout all levels of the organization, CorStrategy.Risk enables organizations to collaborate, integrate, and share the responsibility of risk management. CorStrategy.Risk allows managers to go beyond pure compliance, to focus on safeguarding company assets, enhancing shareholder value, ensuring best practices in corporate governance, and performance optimization.

CorStrategy.Risk allows companies to monitor, manage, and mitigate risk, ensure regulatory compliance, and enforce corporate governance. As a result, risk initiatives are elevated from reactive fire fighting to proactive assessment and control.

CorStrategy.Risk facilitates the management of risk exposure by company, business unit, and key business drivers that impact risk. With CorStrategy.Risk, users may understand how effectively an organization is accomplishing control activities, and whether such activities are aligned with the strategic plan, which ultimately leads to successful risk mitigation.


· Provides a strategic view of risk management while facilitating risk methodology deployment throughout all levels of the organization

· Aligns strategic risk initiatives with daily mitigation activities of risk managers and auditors

· Integrates all corporate information related to the protection of tangible and intangible corporate assets

· Monitors how effectively the organization is accomplishing control activities, which leads to successful achievement of risk mitigation strategy

· Powerful visualization of risk assessment and performance

View CorStrategy brochure



CorStrategy.Scorecard provides the latest innovation in scorecard automation - empowering users to more effectively align valuable resources with strategy, thus having the greatest impact on performance. Offering a robust security model, out-of-the-box reporting options, and easy-to-use personalized briefing books, CorStrategy.Scorecard allows users to create interactive scorecards for powerful performance management.

CorStrategy.Scorecard visually depicts how well activities are aligned with strategy, enabling the coordination of budgeting and project management activities. Additionally, Gantt charts keep users aware of the status of all initiatives and subordinate tasks, which helps them monitor how effectively activities are being accomplished.



· Aligns organizational activities with business objectives, resulting in better strategy execution

· No additional software is required on the client

· Completely browser-based solution enables management of strategy entirely over the web

· Best ROI for an automated scorecard solution resulting from lowest total cost of ownership

· User defined scoring algorithms allow users to cascade color-coded performance results throughout the scorecard hierarchy

· Color-coding at all levels in the scorecard provides at-a-glance views of performance results and keeps the organization focused on strategy, not just metrics

· Lateral navigation allows users to navigate from anywhere throughout the scorecard structure

· Scorecard hyperlinks allow users to navigate to external applications

· Certified by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and supports the Collaborative Design Center software

Are you a metrics manager or a strategic leader?
Read "Strategy Management vs. Metrics Management" to learn more.


CorBusiness™ helps organizations employ strategic information assets to capitalize on market opportunity. Providing a complete business intelligence environment, CorBusiness offers graphical analytics, data mining, production and end-user reporting, executive key performance indicator (KPI) dashboards, and forecasting. Robust business intelligence options are key to a well-informed, high-performance organization. Leveraging the information from enterprise resource planning (ERP), other transactional systems, and data warehouses, CorBusiness offers analytic applications that help companies understand their business and quickly adjust strategies to ensure success. Seamlessly integrated with CorStrategy, CorBusiness offers organizations an easy growth path to world-class Enterprise Performance Management.

Executive KPI Dashboards
CorBusiness executive dashboards enable executives to quickly and graphically monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Quick visual presentation provides immediate information regarding the health of the enterprise. Users may click on a graph to drill into specific sub-groups and constituents of the alert. This capability is key to providing decision makers insights into performance results.

A full-function reporting engine, CorBusiness provides sophisticated composite reports, including data and graphics, multi-level groupings, subtotals, images, and other multimedia objects. CorBusiness allows quick and easy formatting of detailed groupings, hierarchical structures, dynamic cross tabulations, and financial reporting layouts. Users may also create informative visual reports formatted with unlimited headers and footers, images, aggregates, conditional color-coding, and interactively expanding and collapsing detail-level data. Reports may be scheduled for client/server or web-based execution.

OLAP Analysis
CorBusiness graphical query and OLAP empowers users with easy ad hoc access to corporate information storehouses. Users may drill dynamically through data to explore and analyze information, enabling them to uncover and understand previously hidden trends. Easy-to-use drag and drop control of data dimensions gives users the flexibility to pivot and navigate through information in a truly interactive and ad hoc fashion. Additionally, graphs may also be rotated for three-dimensional viewing, giving users a 360°view of the information.

With CorBusiness, users can easily prepare for changes in economic or competitive conditions by analyzing historical data to predict performance and future trends. In addition, executives may drill into forecasts for multidimensional analysis, and segment forecast data results by categories such as product, sales person, or region. These capabilities provide a useful solution for modeling hypothetical scenarios, resulting in more accurate forecasting and what-if analysis.

Data Mining
CorBusiness data mining enables executives to detect the most profitable combination of customers, products, and markets from volumes of organizational data. Users may also utilize data mining to detect fraud, acquire profitable customers, and reduce customer churn. By determining correlations and patterns in existing data, executives will be able to increase ROI and improve overall performance.

Powerful information access and analysis options enable users to develop intelligence about historical performance and gain insight into future opportunities. In order to obtain such insight, it is vital to have quick access to current information. The robust analytical capability in CorBusiness provides the functionality necessary to gather valuable knowledge from corporate information storehouses. In addition, it streamlines information management processes by providing timely knowledge to the right executives. CorBusiness has helped thousands of organizations drive organizational change, achieve continuous improvement, and exceed performance targets.

Key Benefits of CorBusiness
· Comprehensive Business Intelligence and Performance Measurement solution
· Offers a centralized approach to the consolidation and reporting of performance results · Streamlines the daily decision-making process
· Scalable implementations range from departmental, business unit, to enterprise-wide deployment
· Robust standard reporting options with drill-downs
· Superb visualization and statistical analysis
· Supports multiple currencies, scenarios, and configure custom periods
· Administrative control over user security and operations
· Seamlessly integrated with CorStrategy, provides organizations an easy growth path to world-class Enterprise Performance Management

View the CorBusiness brochure


Leverage the Information Supply Chain

Organizations must keep their internal and external stakeholders informed. Managers must extract, organize and present the right data to communicate a specific point. Comprising both tangible and intangible components, the information supply chain contains everything from spreadsheets to databases, word processing documents to web pages. Disparate formats can make it difficult for an organization to establish an accurate, consistent interpretation and
understanding of its information. CorPortfolio can help to easily and quickly correlate the vast resources of the information supply chain into a single, comprehensive presentation thru a marriage of business intelligence and desktop publishing technologies.

CorPortfolio enables users to assemble and organize an online executive portfolio of performance information into a concise presentation. These portfolios may contain a collection of reports, spreadsheets, graphs, commentary, documents and other data sources that may be printed or viewed online. CorPortfolio leverages collaborative communication, business intelligence, document management, knowledge management and other technologies to efficiently communicate with stakeholders. Bringing together the salient data from the information supply chain into a single comprehensive, intuitive presentation, CorPortfolio is an online, executive portfolio of performance information.

Document Styles
> Board Reports
> Executive Reports/Summaries
> Annual Reports
> Financial Statements
> Statutory Reports
> External Customer Reporting
> Proposal Presentation
> Prospectus Development
> Marketing Brochures
> Reporting for Meetings

Key Benefits of CorPortfolio

Eliminates long hours spent collecting and formatting data.
Combines text, graphics and reports int a single performance portfolio.
Users may attach notes, define report headers and footers, and side-bar commentary to explain performance results.
Assists in establishing consistent interpretation and understanding of performance results to facilitate development of definitive action plans.
Automatically update portfolio with new performance information at regularly scheduled intervals.
Automatically create table of contents.
Users can interactively drill into portfolio objects for additional analysis.
Simple tab navigation of portfolio components.
Portfolios may be printed or published via intranet or Internet for easy access from any browser.

View the CorPortfolio brochure

Information Delivery

CorVu offers web-based and two or three-tier Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions that combine business intelligence and strategy management applications to help organizations reach greater levels of performance.


Security may be implemented where padlocks are included in the above diagram. Arrows with solid lines indicate data flow.

User Access Options
Range of Deployment Options
CorStrategy can be configured for any organizational structure and any EPM methodology, whether deployed in one department or across a global enterprise.

Access via Web Browser
CorStrategy is a completely browser-based solution, enabling strategic management and most of the application's development functionality entirely over the web.
· HTML forms are automatically generated for data entry of performance measurements.
· A standard set of JSP routines produce the most commonly required performance reports.
· More complex reports and analytical objects can be created in CorBusiness. The user can view and interact with these via CorVu Java Server or using CorVu ActiveX control. These components can be published as pure HTML, allowing viewing without the need for any additional software on the client.

Traditional Client/Server Configuration
CorBusiness can be configured for a more traditional client/server mode, in which the CorVu software is installed on each client machine and run from its desktop. While CorBusiness may be run from a single machine, with a two-tier or three-tier configuration it offers more flexibility:
· In the two-tier configuration, CorBusiness runs on a client machine and accesses a database residing on a different machine.
· In a three-tier configuration, the CorBusiness software also runs on an intermediate server. This allows a relatively thin-client by offloading complex data manipulation onto a shared server.

EPM Portfolios
CorPortfolio allows diverse business intelligence and performance management objects to be combined into a single document, which can be formatted for printing or on-screen viewing. These portfolios compile reports and graphs generated by CorBusiness with blocks of text and OLE objects, and can be utilized as interactive board reports, performance dashboards or briefing books. A forthcoming release of CorPortfolio will also allow for integration of CorStrategy components and it will make the portfolios accessible via the CorVu Java Server.

To view the CorPortfolio brochure, click here.

CorVu can interact with popular email software for a variety of purposes, including:
· Reminders and KPI threshold alerts can be sent to metric owners, and
· Performance measurements can be submitted via email.

CorVu understands the importance of tailoring its solutions to local markets. CorStrategy and CorBusiness architecture has been designed to make translation as simple as possible, independent of product development. The CorVu user interface has already been translated into a variety of European and Asian languages.

CorVu User Access Advantages
> CorVu provides a variety of options to access EPM information, with combinations of HTML, JSP, ActiveX and Java.
> CorStrategy is a completely browser-based solution, enabling strategic management and most of the application's development functionality entirely over the web.
> The CorStrategy and CorBusiness architecture has been designed to make translation as simple as possible, and has already been translated into a variety of European and Asian languages.

Server-side Processing
CorStrategy is written in Java, ensuring a completely web-based, thin-client solution. Most processing for CorStrategy occurs on the server-side, with only the user interface handled by the client applet. On the server, CorStrategy is implemented as a collection of servlets operating within a third-party servlet engine.

CorBusiness can be configured as needed for thin-client and fat-client scenarios. All data access, processing and visualization can be run on a single machine, but data access and processing is often off-loaded onto a server. This allows multiple thin-clients to share pre-processed data from a common server.

CorVu Java Server
The CorVu Java Server enables the analytical functionality of CorBusiness to be accessed from a web browser, allowing a thin-client deployment strategy for business intelligence. The CorVu Java Server allows users to drill through summarized performance management information in CorStrategy into detailed reports and ad-hoc analyses of live data in CorBusiness.

Data Connectivity
Performance Repository
A CorStrategy performance repository records organizational hierarchies, user security information and the relevant periodic data for the .Scorecard, .Risk and/or .Finance applications. The repository uses a proprietary database schema, but can be stored in a wide variety of database systems, including Oracle®, Progress®, Microsoft Access®, SQL Server®, Informix Red Brick Warehouse® and IBM DB2®.

Analysis of Corporate Data
CorBusiness can connect to all popular data sources, including ERP systems, data warehouses, relational databases, multi-dimensional databases, spreadsheets and CSV files. CorBusiness makes optimal use of calculations defined in an existing data warehouse. CorBusiness offers safe, read-only database connectivity; CorVu never modifies any corporate data.

Populating a Performance Repository from Corporate Data
Periodic data may be loaded into a CorStrategy performance repository in a variety of ways. To automate this process, many implementations use CorBusiness to extract information from live transactional data, calculate summary values such as KPIs, and deposit the summarized values directly into the performance repository. Without the use of CorBusiness, third-party Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tools may perform this process.

The CorVu architecture is secure and flexible. Administrators can define data accessibility and manipulation rules, which are determined by user login. Authentication and security policies for CorStrategy and CorBusiness can be synchronized so that logging in to one component identifies the username for all interaction with CorVu.

Security on the Client-Side
When a user is working with CorBusiness directly on the client, or when a CorVu Java applet or ActiveX control is running within a browser, access is restricted based on username and password. However, when information is passed as HTML or via email, an access control or encryption solution should be obtained from a third-party.

Data Access
CorVu respects security protocols already in place in all data sources. If a data source and the CorVu software are housed on different servers, it is often possible to secure the data transfer, depending on the specific database driver.

LDAP Support and Single Sign-On
CorVu supports LDAP technology, integrating with an enterprise-wide security structure. With this configuration, each user is authenticated upon connecting to the corporate web site. Authenticated users seamlessly experience secure applications, such as CorVu. Security policies for each application can be stored within a common repository and managed centrally using LDAP.

Data Communication
CorVu provides an encryption module so that communication between CorBusiness components may be secure, although third-party encryption software can be integrated via a CorVu hook. Any data communication via the web, such as when the LDAP security repository is hosted on a remote server, can be secured using industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

CorVu Security Advantages
· Administrators can define data accessibility and manipulation rules, which are determined by user login.
· Authentication and security policies can be stored either in CorVu or an LDAP repository.
· CorVu security respects and supplements your existing data security.
· Communications can be secured by industry-standard encryption.

青BB@2004-01-14 16:51

就没有人看得懂吗= =

xliz@2004-01-14 17:47


霸王哆啦@2004-01-14 18:00


xliz@2004-01-14 18:07


霸王哆啦@2004-01-14 18:16


霸王哆啦@2004-01-14 18:26


Enterprise Performance Management
CorVu helps customers to significantly improve business performance by integrating and automating the management processes of strategy development, budgeting, business modeling, planning, performance monitoring, reporting and analysis, and scorecarding. CorVu can automate your Balanced Scorecard, as well as Six Sigma, EVA, Total Quality Management (TQM & EFQM), ISO 9000, and Baldrige National Quality Program systems.
CorVu通过整合和自动化战略发展的管理进程,预算,商业模式,计划,业绩监控,报告和分析,还有scorecarding来帮助客户显著提升业绩。CorVu可以自动化你的“平衡记分卡”,还有诸如“Six Sigma,EVA,总体质量管理(TQM & EFQM),ISO9000,以及Baldrige国家质量项目系统。

xliz@2004-01-14 18:51


scorecarding = 记分卡??


Business Intelligence
CorBusiness fulfills all enterprise business intelligence needs with end-user OLAP analysis, interactive reporting, database queries, executive dashboards, KPI alerts and what-if analysis.

CorBusiness能通过终端用户 OLAP 分析、交换式报告、数据库查询、高阶主管仪表版、KPI 预警(?)和假设性问题分析来满足各类型企业的情报需求

梅川酷子@2004-01-14 19:58

CorVu Security Advantages
· Administrators can define data accessibility and manipulation rules, which are determined by user login.
· Authentication and security policies can be stored either in CorVu or an LDAP repository.
· CorVu security respects and supplements your existing data security.
· Communications can be secured by industry-standard encryption.
CorVu 安全优势

梅川酷子@2004-01-14 20:04

Data Communication
CorVu provides an encryption module so that communication between CorBusiness components may be secure, although third-party encryption software can be integrated via a CorVu hook. Any data communication via the web, such as when the LDAP security repository is hosted on a remote server, can be secured using industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
尽管第三方加密软件可以通过CorVu hook(钩子)集成到软件中,CorVu提供了一个加密模块,所以CorBusiness组健的通信可以是安全的。通过网页的任何数据通信(比如当LDAP安全存储库被保存在一个远程服务器中时)可以使用工业标准的“安全套接字层”(SSL)安全通信。

lixiao@2004-01-14 20:05


梅川酷子@2004-01-14 20:12

LDAP Support and Single Sign-On
CorVu supports LDAP technology, integrating with an enterprise-wide security structure. With this configuration, each user is authenticated upon connecting to the corporate web site. Authenticated users seamlessly experience secure applications, such as CorVu. Security policies for each application can be stored within a common repository and managed centrally using LDAP.


梅川酷子@2004-01-14 20:17

Data Access
CorVu respects security protocols already in place in all data sources. If a data source and the CorVu software are housed on different servers, it is often possible to secure the data transfer, depending on the specific database driver.

梅川酷子@2004-01-14 20:21

Security on the Client-Side
When a user is working with CorBusiness directly on the client, or when a CorVu Java applet or ActiveX control is running within a browser, access is restricted based on username and password. However, when information is passed as HTML or via email, an access control or encryption solution should be obtained from a third-party.
当一个用户在客户端直接使用CorBusiness,或者当CorVu Java applet(小程序)或者ActiveX控件在浏览器中运行的时候,访问是依照用户名和密码的不同而受到一定限制的。然而,当小心以HTML或者email形式传送到客户端的时候,就只能通过第三方厂家获得访问控制的解决方案了。

梅川酷子@2004-01-14 20:27

The CorVu architecture is secure and flexible. Administrators can define data accessibility and manipulation rules, which are determined by user login. Authentication and security policies for CorStrategy and CorBusiness can be synchronized so that logging in to one component identifies the username for all interaction with CorVu.
