最初由 Harmatia 发布
Wrong wrong wrong wrong~~~
Anybody care to give it another try?
Raywell@2003-12-01 13:07
引用最初由 Harmatia 发布
Wrong wrong wrong wrong~~~
Anybody care to give it another try?
Harmatia@2003-12-01 14:21
The day is called "Black Friday" because it's the day retailer balance sheets move out of the red and into the black. ^_^sender@2003-12-06 11:02
本来一直计划去抢一台dvd刻录机的,但正好前阵子买了OD的hp 300e,别的就没什么特别目标了。OM买了free的dvd+R、CDR、CD-RW、quickdrive,OD买了套wireless套装,staples买了free的CDR。beidog@2003-12-08 04:18
黑色星期五是不是一定要在13号啊!emb422@2003-12-10 13:27
I brought a PS2!!!tBlue@2003-12-10 14:57
要很早起来去排队耶~~这个...我是实在起步来的,这些节日对我也没有多大意义,顶多就是去逛一下mall意思一下,在慰劳一下肚子,对了,发现我在加东,不应该进来的拉FIVE@2003-12-13 06:12
我买了antec Performance II 400-watt ATX Tower Case for 69 dollars