最初由 sakaki59 发布
AZ_Bluebone@2008-03-22 01:34
引用最初由 sakaki59 发布
非典型大菠萝@2008-03-22 01:44
AZ_Bluebone@2008-03-22 01:46
引用最初由 非典型大菠萝 发布
非典型大菠萝@2008-03-22 01:49
话说LS的你还是没有注意到伟大的ENGRISH圣瓦鲁@2008-03-22 01:58
被光头使治愈的路过…………AZ_Bluebone@2008-03-22 01:59
引用最初由 非典型大菠萝 发布
引用最初由 圣瓦鲁 发布
非典型大菠萝@2008-03-22 02:08
我又想起NEW TYPE首页上的CRANNAD了...darkassassin@2008-03-22 02:28
估计会有人专门开个帖喷楼主吧Aura@2008-03-22 02:34
感谢楼主教会偶一个新的单词~~AZ_Bluebone@2008-03-22 02:36
引用最初由 Aura 发布
Q. What is Engrish?
A. Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.
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Q. Is Engrish found only in Japan?
A. No, Engrish can be found all over the world, but the vast majority of the really funny and creative Engrish is from Japan. The webmaster has seen many examples of Engrish from around the world, but most are not fit for Engrish.com (ie – they are not funny enough). People are invited to send in Engrish from other countries (including the US) - if some really good examples come in, Engrish.com will be happy to post them.
非典型大菠萝@2008-03-22 02:37
这网站是KUSO小鬼子的吧...az_0k@2008-03-22 02:44
引用最初由 Aura 发布
Q. What is Engrish?
A. Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.
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Q. Is Engrish found only in Japan?
A. No, Engrish can be found all over the world, but the vast majority of the really funny and creative Engrish is from Japan. The webmaster has seen many examples of Engrish from around the world, but most are not fit for Engrish.com (ie – they are not funny enough). People are invited to send in Engrish from other countries (including the US) - if some really good examples come in, Engrish.com will be happy to post them.
qianlong49@2008-03-22 02:53
哎~~~又到周6了。。。。kyanbasara@2008-03-22 03:03
把english写成engrish的人还好意思说人家不会english,真佩服阁下的勇气0 Haku 0@2008-03-22 03:23
:o 敏那怎么都对那个大酱色的签名那么敏感呢?我不喜欢那只狗,所以我被这样老而陈酿的COS治愈了诶.........