最初由 seiyafan 发布
hactor@2003-10-11 15:45
引用最初由 seiyafan 发布
白狐妃@2003-10-11 16:18
oh isn't it? i thought it was... sorry...><Harmatia@2003-10-12 03:43
引用最初由 白狐妃 发布
oh isn't it? i thought it was... sorry...><
anyway it's still one of the tops
seiyafan@2003-10-12 03:51
长春藤还是以文著称,因为100多年前科学还不很发达。Harmatia@2003-10-12 03:55
……逻辑有问题……关于时间和文VS理的发展Arael@2003-10-12 08:04
长春藤的理科通常也不错, 好像harvard的数学(虽然有些人不认为数学是理科...), princeton的物理等都差不多是最好的, 只是工科比较弱而已....引用最初由 白狐妃 发布
oh isn't it? i thought it was... sorry...><
anyway it's still one of the tops
seiyafan@2003-10-12 08:08
工科也就是上个世纪出发展起来的。白狐妃@2003-10-12 09:30
By the way which university has the best performing medical school currently?meteor007@2003-10-12 09:42
引用最初由 白狐妃 发布
By the way which university has the best performing medical school currently?
tpalice@2003-10-13 00:55
不過,就算把課程內容放出來,能不能真的有時間吸收理解Harmatia@2003-10-13 01:05
引用最初由 tpalice 发布