最初由 banxginji 发布
its hard to get accostumed to the character voices in english, but at least they have some anime ^^. There's another channel named 'The Anime Network', its full of anime, but its only available in some states.
banxginji@2003-09-07 16:57
its hard to get accostumed to the character voices in english, but at least they have some anime ^^. There's another channel named 'The Anime Network', its full of anime, but its only available in some states.ming0@2003-09-10 13:44
可惜呀。。CN一放 犬夜叉。。就没什么人做犬夜叉的英文字幕版了。。。找下载也困难ming0@2003-09-10 13:47
那个我知道。。可惜在有线电视的普通服务上得另外花不少钱呀。。宁可不看。。引用最初由 banxginji 发布
its hard to get accostumed to the character voices in english, but at least they have some anime ^^. There's another channel named 'The Anime Network', its full of anime, but its only available in some states.
tpalice@2003-09-11 22:10
書店裡逛,有看到英文版的Jump瞌睡虫@2003-09-11 23:33
犬夜叉这么幼稚的动画你们也看。。。还不如Yu-Gi-Oh呢。。。lzf@2003-09-11 23:46
个人觉得CCS的英配倒还不错^^mitchvicky@2003-09-14 01:03
这种动画片还是看日本原声来的比较好一点ayia@2003-09-14 06:16
啊啊三鹰@2003-09-14 08:54
既然真的放那先去背台电视先jackceng@2003-09-14 09:21
期待有什么新东西哟!!!!!!!so25@2003-09-14 10:02
Is that really? I don't know YTV showing this... That is really good for us. Thanks for the info. I love "dog"...瞌睡虫@2003-09-15 09:15
看了。。。配的不错啊。。。rgm-79sp@2003-09-15 11:15
上一次在Cartonn network Adult Swim看了天地无用,结果放弃在也不看了,里面配得好,我看只有cowboy了。。。。gemini22g@2003-09-16 09:01
大家都说cable贵,到底什么行情啊?lk00012@2003-09-16 14:52