『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Anyone like History or Philos ..

emb422@2003-06-17 10:17

If I'm the one who's doing the project, who should I choose?
Atilla the Hun
Lenin would do good...
Peter the Great, may be
But I'll probably do Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar, or may be Cyrus, Darius, or Xerxes the Persians, or even Genghis Khan the Mongol.

unlimitedzon@2003-06-17 16:52

我很喜歡History的,特別是 World History>_<

我Chinese History和 World History都有讀:D


我最喜歡World History中的Western part。最喜歡讀WWI、Inter War period和Unification of both Italy and Germany。:D

siusiusalem@2003-06-17 19:01

I like them both..
but my favorite history sub is a little out range..
I like the classical mythoglogy age...
It's exciting....

kingking@2003-06-17 22:25

i don't like Philosophy at all, but one of my topic is about philosophy, or more specific, research philosophy, therefore I have to learn it as well.

It is very very difficult, don't you think?

shooting star@2003-06-20 10:31

my logic class is stared today.....

jingwen@2003-06-21 01:54

I like European history, especially the World War Two period.

jingwen@2003-06-21 02:00

最初由 shooting star 发布
my logic class is stared today.....
what does it feel like?

emb422@2003-06-21 04:57

My favorite history subjects is European History from ancient times (Greeks and Romans) to the rise of Prussia. (Otto von Bismarck--late 1800s) I do not like modern history at all, especially after Nam. (I do not consider modern warfare wars at all. All it is is Threat-Bombing-more Boming-Take over the weaker side's capital-the end.) Other than European, I also like the history of near-east from ancient times (Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, etc.) to the fall of Ottoman Empire. (afterwards, it's nothing but religious jihads and suicide bombings... sigh... and some crap about Israel and its ally...) African history are okay, I think. I don't like American History until the age of colonization. I do not marval at the works of the Aztec, the Mayans, the Incans, and etc. They are simply backwards. Far East history (Including Chinese, Japanese, etc.) is quite intersting. But I pay most of my attention to China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan and pretty much ignores all the rest...

boylain@2003-06-21 13:26


dreamswn@2003-06-21 15:14

so far i never take any history courses. but im pretty interested on eastern asia history, mid-centary european history...

re:what does it feel like?

shooting star@2003-06-23 12:55

HaHa, just one word : easy! yeah!

花开煌煌@2003-07-21 12:26

I am majoring in Political Science and Asian Studies, have taken History classes too of course....

winege@2003-07-21 22:02

I'm instered in philosophy,especially for Buddhism.
Anyone who'd like to chat in this field,my pleasure

emb422@2003-07-25 04:16

I just finished Plato's "Republic" a few days ago. I think my comment is that the entire notion of such a "perfect society" would be completely Utopian and idealistic. First off, Plato eliminated all possibility of corruption in his society. Second, he underestimated human desire for pleasure and the nature of human avarice; it is never safe to put our hands to the Guardians and the Philosopher Ruler, for no matter how they were educated, they are only human, and their desire might overcome their reasoning, some time. Third, I disliked his idea of education, which I consider wholely brain washing and prapreganda; what he does doesn't differ from the education process in Orwell's 1984-for he keep and add what he consideres right and delete all that he dislikes from poetry and literature. But of course, I must agree that his ideal form of government is better than all others the utopian government runs as smoothly as he planed. I agree somewhat about his idea of imperfect societies such as the democracy and tyranny he described. I also agree with him the fact that human are NOT created EQUAL in any way, and the fact that our ABILITY determines our STATUS.

花开煌煌@2003-07-29 15:18

Hehe, if you think the Republic book is bad, read Thomas More's Utopia. Quite the cynic Sir More was.
