alanoy@2002-11-30 17:30
小弟下载了楼上大侠提供的圣斗士冥王篇,用realplayer one播放,有声音但swdd0371@2002-11-30 21:27
在线升级一下你的插件swdd0371@2002-11-30 22:01
通知大家,www.ou4u.net发现有1-----6shen@2002-12-01 00:32
有什么?plana@2002-12-01 03:03
日本已出了 3-4集!!!lzp80@2002-12-01 09:18
好看!super_ray@2002-12-02 23:37
wind027@2002-12-03 09:27
!Jimbo@2002-12-03 18:20
hi, i d/l the mpg file, but i can only hear the sound but no image being played, i tried using realplayer, windows media player and powerDVD and all the same. HELP ME!! i so want to watch this!!logiccat@2002-12-03 18:31
出完了再说~~~~~~!!荔枝`@2002-12-03 19:53
听说已经出到6了。具体位置不详DARKGRAY@2002-12-03 20:21
不是说1个月出2集么……alanoy@2002-12-03 23:10
:confused: 请问swdd0371 大侠,可不可以告诉小弟去哪里升级或下载什么软件看《圣斗士星矢冥王篇》?Jimbo@2002-12-04 02:15
hey, go download Nimo codec package, then u can pretty much watch everything on windows media player, well, at least i can watch saya now.ruthchow@2002-12-04 15:38