最初由 lukang668 发布
gunic@2002-05-29 11:18
USlukang668@2002-05-29 13:15
那个其它语的说的是不是阿拉伯语啊ring@2002-05-29 14:17
引用最初由 lukang668 发布
tatara@2002-05-30 14:47
Canada, technically bilingual - English and French... but French is only widely used in Montreal. :)qaz0317@2002-05-31 17:29
北欧瑞典,瑞典语「不良牛」@2002-06-03 07:40
新加坡~多种族国家alainyang2000@2002-06-04 01:57
FranceJeanni@2002-06-04 21:56
In Singapore,English is the common link language and every person will have their mother tongue, the most common ones being Chinese, Malay and Tamil.tanw13@2002-06-04 23:55
macau..PFERD@2002-06-06 19:37
netbaobao@2002-06-07 00:02
日本留学中~~~~~~~~~~~~~花开煌煌@2002-06-07 08:01
United States.a551@2002-06-08 12:00
Singapore~~although the major race is chinese,but english is the most common language for communicationsieben@2002-06-08 17:14
呵呵,德语还是第二大语种呢,不错嘛maymay1108@2002-06-11 10:19