花开煌煌@2002-04-25 14:07
According to my boyfriend, I talk with both Chinese and Long Island (which is an area in New York) accents...this amuses me greatly. I'm hoping to get a British accent when I go to London though...heehee.KZR@2002-04-26 07:25
who cares about accentkiasushou@2002-05-03 03:13
yes, but speak correct one is more standard and more professional?gunic@2002-05-25 06:37
having an accent isn't a bad thing, if you are new to a country, you're bound to have one. Just be yourself.CrystalCai@2002-05-26 06:29
It does not matter if you have accent or not. The important thing is that people can understand you well. Even for native American, they talk with different acent, such as south accent, north accent...so just do your best to express yourself well.MS Gundam@2002-05-27 01:07
hehe,it really doesn't matter because most people here talk with a little bit of accent even my teacherKZR@2002-05-27 16:36
IN USA~~Jeanni@2002-06-04 23:02
I have quite a strong cantanese accent .......tobitabi@2002-06-13 13:29
no accents here, talk very normally.baka@2002-06-13 15:13
nope~ ^^