最初由 Hassaway 发布
chanv@2003-01-21 07:39
偶在sheffieldnaonao1983@2003-02-21 06:22
GLASGOW¬¬Hassaway@2003-03-07 22:31
有人在Loughborough吗?好boring啊...............hman2002@2003-03-08 01:52
BRIGHTON的。好象没什么人气啊……liaoyuantk@2003-03-10 01:51
colchester, university of essex。ThunderBird@2003-03-11 00:33
引用最初由 Hassaway 发布
Hassaway@2003-03-13 01:56
There is only one basketball ground in this town.ThunderBird@2003-03-13 20:27
引用最初由 Hassaway 发布
There is only one basketball ground in this town.
I'm in college now. I wonder if you could give me some advice.
lotya@2003-06-07 00:28
Here is a one in Brockenhurst, may move to either Southampton or Bournemouth in next study year.Anderson@2003-06-07 11:57
I'm in London (South Ken)!aerospace@2003-06-10 03:24
现在在WARWICK,明年去IMPERIAL,LONDON的房子好贵啊!aerospace@2003-06-10 03:26
引用最初由 hman2002 发布
flybaby@2003-06-10 06:01
me -Staffordshiremitchvicky@2003-06-11 09:03
我也在伦敦,bethnal green,雾之心@2003-06-13 06:45
引用最初由 liaoyuantk 发布
colchester, university of essex。