『漫游』酷论坛>『动漫游戏音乐交流区』>这十年从我身边走过 ..

MONO@2004-02-03 23:20


chaarr@2004-02-03 23:28

那么是我数据记错了,你说MP3取的是从多少到多少的signal吧。两头Cut掉,只保留中间段,对人声基本没有影响这一点我是不会记错的。至于具体采用的音频带是从多少到多少,你既然说你对MP3非常了解,你自己心里有数。挑这样的错,回避主要问题有意思吗?自己看看你自己写的,自始至终kpbs……还发表MP3文章呢,kpbs是哪国的单位啊!要么kb/s,要么kbps,千bit每秒好不好!你的kpbs是什么啊,2-4KBPS audio signal is a great discovery by me? then KPBS is what? the greatest amazing standard unit of audio signal in the world defined by u?

带着aac和ogg的疑问,我刚才大概补了补了课,aac is mp3 with long slice and some other small improvement". (ogg audio is about the same as acc, mostly fixed some oversight of the mp3 file format designer). 这句话是谁说的?如果是你,你可真差点唬住我啊。acc是MP3吗????????那MP4和wma是不是也算MP3啊?VQF呢???

aac请标明是MPEG-2 AAC或MPEG2 Layer-4 AAC! ogg请标明是OGG VORBIS!MP3是MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3!!!AAC是类似MPEG-2 BC的一种算法,OGG VORBIS是一种全新的音频文件压缩算法,大有取代MP3之势。而这两种根本就不是MP3!!!!你拿这两种差了十万八千里的音频格式说MP3根本不存在切掉音频带的问题???亏我还虚心向你请教有关MP3压缩算法进化的问题,你好意思!!!

chaarr@2004-02-03 23:33

最初由 cloudwc 发布




aaabbbccc@2004-02-04 10:33

最初由 chaarr 发布
那么是我数据记错了,你说MP3取的是从多少到多少的signal吧。两头Cut掉,只保留中间段,对人声基本没有影响这一点我是不会记错的。至于具体采用的音频带是从多少到多少,你既然说你对MP3非常了解,你自己心里有数。挑这样的错,回避主要问题有意思吗?自己看看你自己写的,自始至终kpbs……还发表MP3文章呢,kpbs是哪国的单位啊!要么kb/s,要么kbps,千bit每秒好不好!你的kpbs是什么啊,2-4KBPS audio signal is a great discovery by me? then KPBS is what? the greatest amazing standard unit of audio signal in the world defined by u?

带着aac和ogg的疑问,我刚才大概补了补了课,aac is mp3 with long slice and some other small improvement". (ogg audio is about the same as acc, mostly fixed some oversight of the mp3 file format designer). 这句话是谁说的?如果是你,你可真差点唬住我啊。acc是MP3吗????????那MP4和wma是不是也算MP3啊?VQF呢???

aac请标明是MPEG-2 AAC或MPEG2 Layer-4 AAC! ogg请标明是OGG VORBIS!MP3是MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3!!!AAC是类似MPEG-2 BC的一种算法,OGG VORBIS是一种全新的音频文件压缩算法,大有取代MP3之势。而这两种根本就不是MP3!!!!你拿这两种差了十万八千里的音频格式说MP3根本不存在切掉音频带的问题???亏我还虚心向你请教有关MP3压缩算法进化的问题,你好意思!!!

i am all ok if u can prove this "2-4khz" i s a typo. some how i cant see it that way. kpbs, on the other way, is likely a typo of kbps.

yeah, all recording method will cutoff at certain point. dvd audio will cutoff at 96k. it's u who said mp3 cant handle anything properly other than those between 2-4k, then u tell me it will have cd quality? that's a whole new math theory.

aac is using all the basic mp3 stuff with some improvement, if u understand how the algo works(it's too much for a ppl like u, i know). and in some sense, almost all the current lossy compression methods(mp3, aac, ogg) r the same(atrac is not, it lacks entropy encoding at the last stage).

BTW, i have no objection for u saying md good, but ur post promote
1, a JAPANESE product (if it's really good, i wont say anything, but for japanese junk, it makes sense to tell fellow chinese dont buy)
2. by using false information when compare to similar products (if it's a chinese product, it's ok. it's considered as an internal matter only ).
this makes me wondering if u r working with sony and had some personal gain when ppl buy those junky MD players.

aaabbbccc@2004-02-04 10:36

最初由 MONO 发布


in some sense, boost BASS is the one true way to make audio sounds good on all those portable devices.

chaarr@2004-02-04 17:39


拿aac和ogg来说明MP3的压缩算法比Atrac强,ogg audio is about the same as acc, mostly fixed some oversight of the mp3 file format designer这句话是你自己说的。既然MP3不存在算法上粗糙的问题,那什么是oversight of the mp3 file?为什么各个音频站对于aac和ogg的测试中,和MP3的对比测试中一致评价都是强过MP3的?如果aac和ogg都是MP3,那我套你的逻辑来一句话好了:中国空军和中国人民解放军比,在航空战斗力上存在明显的优势。说得通吗?

aaabbbccc@2004-02-05 04:20

最初由 chaarr 发布

have u wondered why they dont even bother to test atrac? and how much better aac and ogg compare to mp3? i have said aac only boost small improvement. those results(provide it's a valid one, like those by ppl on Hydrogenaudio.org) , if u know how to read, clearly shows that. if mp3 has BIG flaws as u said, how come after 10 years, still no one bother to fix those BIG defects and gain some BIG improvement? (indeed, army is still stronger than air force in PLA, though mp3 to aac is more like a P2.8 to P3.2).

and where's ur technical evidence for mp3 worse that atrac, other than that famous "2-4khz"?

ya, since u can read english, better go Hydrogenaudio.org to read some good comments about different audio codec. ppl there r way more knowledgable than on any chinese forums.

chaarr@2004-02-05 20:59

