最初由 watercool 发布
watercool@2003-11-30 19:26
一般来说,在cd光盘数据上的最外面一圈,有一圈数字加密层,读cd的时候,会先读这层,然后再去读cd的内容。所以只要屏蔽掉数字加密,就可以了。一个很土的办法:用纤维笔在cd光盘最外面一圈,轻轻的涂饰,大概2-3圈就可以了,一定要均匀,这样就可以随意制作想要得mp3或者其他的格式音乐了。mrrun@2003-12-01 09:15
好象有直接抓音轨的软件klytrinny@2003-12-01 14:15
引用最初由 watercool 发布
shangchi@2003-12-02 12:47
先抛开系统、上网等等的关系teinei@2003-12-02 18:09
没听说CD能锁SHIROH殷@2003-12-26 16:31
引用最初由 klytrinny 发布
不败の传说@2003-12-26 19:09
好像有破解的方法阿..大家去音像发烧友的网站看看阿..好像是用纤维笔破解的方法阿...就是用笔把最外(还是内?)圈涂掉....电脑读不出来那保护的一圈..就可以象其他的CD一样搞了..想怎么搞就怎么搞...哇哈哈蜡笔小猴子@2003-12-26 20:06
最初由 shangchi发布
黄昏の旅者@2003-12-26 20:50
我在gff也看到了相关的帖子:引用Originally posted by NRen2k5 on - 1:42 AM
Hmm... interesting... my Phantom Menace OST doesn't have any protection.
Well... as far as the CD's which load their own player go... holding shift will stop the autorun sequence, that's true. Heck, you could always just disable Autorun for your CD-ROM drive so that you don't have to bother.
But disabling autorun may or may not disable the actual protection...
In any case, I have successfully defeated EMI's protection. It involves using Exact Audio Copy and a good CD-RW (mine is a Plextor 40/12/40A). In Exact Audio Copy, Go to Actions > TOC Alterations, and turn on Use First Session Only, and perform a Detect TOC Manually. In your drive options, in Offset / Speed, make sure to set the speed down to 4× if your drive is a Plextor (this last part may not be necessary for other brands of CD-RW - the result of not enabling this option, if any, will be a small gap of silence... around 9s with my drive at least).
Be warned, ripping may take awhile... I heard from someone on another message board that it took him an hour to rip Radiohead's "Hail To The Thief." Personally, it took me one and a half.
引用Originally posted by Parn on - 11:27 PM
I just finished ripping the Phantasy Star Online Episode III OST, which had copy protection. It would keep popping up with something called "Player" to play some music, which was irritating, and Exact Audio Copy would show nothing but 9 second tracks and mention it being protected.
PCs read data before audio, and these copy protected CDs have two sessions, audio in the inner section going outward, followed by a second session of data containing the copy protection crap. Take a black Sharpie marker (yes, I'm serious) and color over the second session and outward. You can clearly see where the division is at... color over the dividing line and outward. It's like a coloring book in grade school... don't go past the line. When finished, you should have a CD with a half-inch black border all the way around the outer edge. Voila, your PC now reads it as a standard audio CD. Fuck copy protection up the ass with a cactus.
It sucks that we have to do this, but we paid for the God damned discs, and if we want to MP3 them, that's out right to do so, protection schemes be damned.
Be advised, I am not responsible for any damages incurred by the above method. I am just stating my success story, and your results may vary. Make sure you know which copy protection method is being used on your disc before you jump ahead. Research and Google is your friend, and you have the entire world wide web at your disposal.
远腾正明@2003-12-26 22:24
厉害了~SHIROH殷@2003-12-27 21:15
何苦呢?不就是为了NET上的广大人民吗(说了夸张点了- -)SHIROH殷@2003-12-27 21:17
刚尝试下(机器FORMAT后)SHIROH殷@2003-12-27 21:17
如果是CCCD的话 那么不用涂了古微微@2003-12-27 21:25
听谁说在cd最外圈用马克笔涂一圈就解密了………………SHIROH殷@2003-12-27 21:29