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[发现]笑得打滚~~~~某外国人关于《Happy Lesson》的评价
fifman@2004-03-12 09:38
http://www.animejump.com:这个网页上的关于《Happy Lesson》的评价:
Sometimes, I'm just dumbstruck at how wretched and poor a piece of anime is; its absolute lack of any redeeming quality leaves me speechless. Other times, I can wax poetic, and at great length, about just how completely, utterly, indubitably, consummately, unconditionally, unabashedly awful an anime film or series is. Complaints about the cartoon's dreadfulness just pile up, like elephant shit. There's just so much of it.
That's a start, right? So far, we've got a comic premise that can't seem to deliver any laughs. So, then, let's have a look at Cheetos' new mothers. There's Mutsuki, the school's new Japanese literature teacher, who arbitrarily wears glasses (sometimes they're on, sometimes they're off) and a ghastly maid costume that appears to have been designed by someone who's never taken a close look at actual women's clothing. There's Yayoi, a thoroughly tiresome cheap imitation of Sakura from Urusei Yatsura-- she's the nurse, she's an avid mystic, and she's handy with a katana. Strangely, she doesn't wear a nurse uniform. There's Uzuki, a little girl with an addiction to frilly, impractical costumes. This outwardly childlike character is the art teacher. There's Satsuki, the butch gym teacher, who speaks in tough guy-ese. There's the pallid, dour science teacher, Kisaragi. She dresses like a flight attendant. Finally, there's Fumitsuki, the attractive, bespectacled female class president, who sits around using her status as an excuse to meddle in Cheetos' life. Hey, I got an idea-- why not just throw a cowgirl into the mix?! She could ride a horse around, fire her six-shooters, and scream "YEEEEE-HA!!"
Happy Lesson is allegedly a comedy. In this case, the "comedy" consists of every single goofball slapstick cliche in anime being whipped up and thrown at the viewer, as quickly and loudly as possible. There's panty-ogling, there's girls beating up boys, there's pratfalls, there's exagerrated facial expressions and reactions, and there's a neverending stream of bizarre dialogue and improbable situations. This is all framed by the thoroughly incredible life of Cheetos and his five young, attractive moms. Now, any subject can theoretically play well as comedy, but Happy Lesson does not do this. It stands and points, rather than trying to communicate a humorous point of view. It stands and points, because it is funny when the boy gets a peek at the girl's underpants, and gets punched in the face when he makes crass remarks about it. It is funny when the girl cannot cook. It is funny when the teacher is clumsy and falls into the hero's arms. It is funny when the other teacher tortures the hero for fun. All Happy Lesson needs is a laugh track to sound every three seconds, to remind the viewer what they're supposed to be laughing at.
译:依上所述,happy lesson是一部喜剧片,这“喜剧片”由那些曾被批评过且在观众面前展现过的那种动画片里闹剧的呆板陈腐模式组成,而且极尽快速、大声之能事。里面有幼儿秋波(大概指罗莉吧:D),有“女孩子痛打男孩子”(相良千鸟故事),有“屁股落地式”(不知道是不是指那种吃惊后的反应),有夸张的面部表情及反应,还有娓娓不止的奇异对话和不可能的状况。而这一切都由完全难以置信的Cheeto的生活和其五个年轻的有魅力的妈妈串套起来。理论上来说任何主题都能成为好的喜剧,但happy lesson没有做到。(接下来一句不知道怎么翻译,it stands and points?)……因为它有趣的是偷窥到女孩的内裤的瞬间、并因为粗野的评论它而被掌嘴;它有趣的是女孩子不会做饭的时刻,或者女教师笨拙地摔在英雄救美的主角怀里;它有趣的是其余教师为了有趣而捉弄主角。happy lesson所需要的其实就是个每隔三秒的表示笑声的配音,来告诉观众什么时候应该笑。(意思是说这些其实一点都不好笑,需要在配音里表示出来来告诉观众:该笑了。)
Offhand, I'm finding it difficult to remember a TV series that has left me less entertained. Trouble Chocolate at least had me cackling at its sheer, doomed desperation. But with Happy Lesson, we've got a show scrabbling futilely to steal comic energy from the likes of Urusei Yatsura, Excel Saga, Maison Ikkoku, Love Hina, and Oh! My Goddess-- and missing the mark every single time. This crazed, frothing, ragingly larcenous approach to storytelling might actually work if the series had some measure of self-awareness and knew what it was doing-- if it were a satirical comment of some sort. But Happy Lesson is no parody. Earlier, I mentioned how the series might benefit from a laugh track. At least that would serve to drown out the gigantic sucking sound that this show creates. Happy Lesson comes off as insincere, insubstantial, and poorly-made. It's weak, cynical, and creatively bankrupt.
译:我觉得自己难以记住一部感觉不到娱乐性的片子。Trouble Chocolate(这是什么片子?)至少通过那完全的、命中注定的绝望使我发笑,而在happy lesson里我们则看到了由Urusei Yatsura(樱大战), Excel Saga(糊涂女战士), Maison Ikkoku, Love Hina, 和 Oh! My Goddess(我的女神)里偷来的琐屑细节的拼凑——且失掉了其实质。这种疯狂的泡沫般的盗窃手法来说故事或许能有些用,在有自知之明自己在干什么的情况下——如果它是某种讽刺手法(大概意思是指讽刺这种后宫动画的现状吧)。不过happy lesson不是拙劣的模仿。我曾说过或许这一系列能受益于“笑声配音”,至少这配音能压过片子所导致的巨大的吸气声(观众发出的?)。片子结束得虚假、不实在、制作乏味。它病态、愤世嫉俗且毫无创造力。
liyitian@2004-03-12 10:16
fifman@2004-03-12 10:22
oldgoat@2004-03-12 10:32
It stants and point,rather than trying to communicate a humorous point of view.漏了这句。可以考虑这样直译为“它就站着并指出,而不是尝试去联系上场景中的一个幽默的要点”,理解的解释就像fifman说的那样,它只是告诉你“该笑了”,而不是真的用幽默的场面引你发笑。后面那句也是差不多,“It stants and point……”就是它只是告诉你偷窥内裤是有趣的(但实际上它并不令观众感到有趣)。
oldgoat@2004-03-12 10:39
fifman@2004-03-12 10:43
最初由 oldgoat 发布
It stants and point,rather than trying to communicate a humorous point of view.漏了这句。可以考虑这样直译为“它就站着并指出,而不是尝试去联系上场景中的一个幽默的要点”,理解的解释就像fifman说的那样,它只是告诉你“该笑了”,而不是真的用幽默的场面引你发笑。后面那句也是差不多,“It stants and point……”就是它只是告诉你偷窥内裤是有趣的(但实际上它并不令观众感到有趣)。
霸王哆啦@2004-03-12 10:43
fifman@2004-03-12 10:46
oldgoat@2004-03-12 10:47
最初由 fifman 发布
霸王哆啦@2004-03-12 10:49
Re: [发现]笑得打滚~~~~某外国人关于《Happy Lesson》的评价
艾夕@2004-03-12 11:02
最初由 fifman 发布
why not just throw a cowgirl into the mix?! She could ride a horse around, fire her six-shooters, and scream "YEEEEE-HA!!"
abcbuzhiming@2004-03-12 11:07
Jabberwock@2004-03-12 11:31
enoca@2004-03-12 11:45
happy lesson是喜剧片?
Harmatia@2004-03-12 11:49
最初由 fifman 发布