纤纤枫@2003-12-05 16:08
我觉得不象啊.一点也不象.alyssa-ntx@2003-12-05 16:09
怎么会有这种想法,角色多了就往这里想吗?godspeed@2003-12-05 16:30
唐僧不取经的话~~西游记还游什么?kagome不射碎了四魂の玉~~狗狗还去找嘛?亚洲人的构思都差不多~~哈哈~~看穿拉~~看穿拉~~吼吼~~吼yunxu@2003-12-05 16:39
晕呀,想不到还有这么一说呀~~~aux@2003-12-05 21:45
i agree that the two stories cannot be compared with one anotherwangkai630@2004-01-04 10:05
那杀杀也成了菩萨了?小新02@2004-01-04 10:38
犬夜叉是孙悟空?桔梗是观音菩萨?我倒!风无伤@2004-01-04 16:05
不象啊!!!red911@2004-01-04 16:23
这样也可以比??太夸张了Bobbysoft@2004-01-04 16:25
I won't deny that there are some similarities between the two, but the truth is that there are a lot of differences. Anyone who has really read Inuyasha and perceived something acknowledges it.龙飞常败@2004-01-04 16:37
我叫衣冠禽兽@2004-01-04 17:29
弥勒系8戒呀, 都好色alessaa@2004-01-04 17:52