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齊玉 2004-04-11 21:12

[原创]K & K Feat. Jota - Danca A Bossa

K & K Feat. Jota - Danca A Bossa


Brazil is a magic name evoking the image of enchanting, luxuriant shores, exotic fruits, music and dances, colours and tastes. The same colours and tastes you discover in Mangaroca Batida de Côco, the traditional Brazilian beverage based on milk, coconut and alcohol. The colours of Brazil and the flavour of coconut are the secrets of the great success of Mangaroca Batida de Côco. Everyone likes it for its pleasant taste and low alcoholic strength. It is the ideal drink at any time of the day. If you drink it cold and at your leisure, you may fully appreciate its delicate flavour. Mangaroca Batida de Côco is also excellent for preparing the most refined cocktails and long drinks mixed, for instance, with orange or pineapple juice.

Savour a glass of Mangaroca Batida de Côco and all things will become possible! As if by magic you could find yourself on an infinite beach of Copacabana, with a group of young Brazilians smiling at you and inviting you for a dance at the rhythm of a frantic Samba. Your feet could begin to turn in whirls at the rhythm of the drums, as in trance, then to slow down and again to speed up, turning your pelvis incessantly back and forth, sensually waving your hands above your navel ・Savour again a sip of Mangaroca Batida de Côco and you will discover that that smile is addressed to you while it invites you for a romantic walk until dawn ・A last sip and you will find yourself speaking a perfect Portuguese and Samba having no more secrets for you. Acqui, todo acaba e Samba ・Here all finishes with a Samba ・This is the fantastic world of Mangaroca Batida de Côco.

Batida de Côco
Batida牌椰子鸡尾酒(由牛奶,椰子汁,和白酒酿制而成,具有独特的巴西传统鸡尾酒风味。在饮用时不禁令人回想起歌手的低声吟唱,白沙碧浪,异国风味的水果,迷人的音乐和舞曲。浓郁的巴西色彩和椰子汁的清香使得每一个尝过Mangaroca Cachaça的人都喜欢上它的舒适的口感和使人微微酒醉的摇摆感。它是一种理想的休闲饮品,你可以在闲暇时刻饮用一份冰凉的Cachaça来充分回味它微妙的口感。同样Mangaroca公司的Batida牌椰子鸡尾酒也是调制最精致的鸡尾酒和大杯低酒精饮料的极佳配料,比如说和桔子汁和菠萝汁一起饮用。

品尝一杯Mangaroca公司的Batida牌椰子鸡尾酒,一切都成为可能!就像梦幻一般,你可以发现你置身于Copacabana的一处广阔海滩上,一群年轻的巴西人朝你微笑并邀请你加入到激昂的桑巴舞节奏中共舞。你的小腿不禁随着鼓点的节奏不住摇摆旋转,如同恍惚一般,不停变换快慢节奏,带动骨盆不间断地前后摆动,双手也不断在腰腹间不自觉的舞动。再次品尝一小口Batida牌椰子鸡尾酒,你就将发现有人在对你微笑,邀请你加入一段直至黎明的浪漫漫步。品尝最后一小口,你会发现你可以讲一口流利的葡萄牙语而且桑巴对你也不再神秘。“Acqui, todo acaba e Samba(所有的一切都由桑巴舞来结束)”这就是由Mangaroca公司的Batida牌椰子鸡尾酒带来的美妙的神奇世界。

Mangaroca Cachaça is distilled in Brazil, selected by Mangaroca do Brasil Lda., Sao Paulo and bottled in Europe under the steady control of the trademark's owner.
Its clean and at the same time velvety flavour succeed in rendering Mangaroca Cachaça one of the best sugar-cane spirit present on the market, perfect to prepare the best tropical cocktails, the main one being Caipirinha (pronounce it Ki-pea-ree-nya).
Mangaroca公司的Cachaça是在巴西蒸馏提取后再由圣保罗的Mangaroca巴西有限公司挑选后在欧洲于严密的技术控制下装瓶。它的纯净和天鹅绒般柔软的口感使得Mangaroca Cachaça成为世界市场上最佳的糖类酒品,并是调制最受欢迎的热带鸡尾酒的理想原料。(其中主要的一种鸡尾酒叫Caipirinha 克伊啤瑞妮亚/Ki-pea-ree-nya/)

Preparation of the Caipirinha (little peasant girl):
1 lime divided in four portions, 2 sugar spoons, 40 ml Mangaroca Cachaça, minced ice. Crush with a wooden pestle (or with a spoon…) the lime slices in an old fashioned glass and mix them with sugar; pour Mangaroca Cachaça, mix and add the minced ice. Carefully mix and serve with two short straws.

一个切成四份的青柠檬,两勺白糖,40毫升Mangaroca Cachaça,碎冰。
将柠檬片用乳钵或调羹捣碎,放入传统的开口杯,与白糖混合,倒入Mangaroca Cachaça,搅拌后再加入碎冰,细心搅拌后放上两根短吸管即可。


齊玉 2004-04-11 21:17

goddesschi 2004-04-30 13:47

shenguai 2004-04-30 16:52

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