『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>about war

jingwen@2003-04-08 20:22

最初由 mirabell 发布
in america, the war is called "operation iraqi freedom", to free the iraqi people from the evil reign of the dictator, and more than 70% of the people support the war (according to CNN) all you see on tv is how brave the american soldiers are, and how they help people and provide humanitarian aid. I wonder what they show on Arab television, must be a different story. Just think a lot of the suffering is caused by America.

what show on Chinese TV is already different, American TV never shown how Iraqi refugee looks like, but my friend in CHina told me that she saw poor Iraqi people in the hospital wounded by American bombing. I don't know who is real evil dictator, who is real tyrant? Bush or Saddam Hussein?
