最初由 L.L. 发布
L.L.@2005-11-02 12:43
汗||现在想起来了……还以为是书呢……sandoy@2005-11-02 12:47
ORZ……谈到书……那不就是白雪公主么……幻羽天翼@2005-11-02 17:20
光感和气氛都很不错啊生死极端@2005-11-03 10:33
引用最初由 L.L. 发布
L.L.@2005-11-03 15:21
好伤心呐……难道我就不能八卦一下么?little.CC@2005-11-06 03:10
恐怖的图>..<L.L.@2005-11-06 05:02
...is that a complement or is that an insult?little.CC@2005-11-06 11:14
IT IS ... ............................................................L.L.@2005-11-06 15:13
OH! I'm SOOOOOO SORRY! I got traped with the damn Extended Essay, and when I finished it today... I was sooooooooo relieved that I literally forgot EVERY SINGLE THING...dokoko@2005-11-10 18:57
噗||||好像戀月姬人形的感覺。orzshitsuto@2005-11-10 22:25