『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>海外学生的心理问题 ..

seiyafan@2003-11-25 01:40

最初由 jsan 发布

Before finding the dream job, you have to try a few not so dreamy jobs to really appreciate your good fortune. Just like in love one has to kiss a lot of frogs before getting the prince.

That's not true, if you get the offer why wouldn't you take it?

Harmatia@2003-11-25 02:01

最初由 seiyafan 发布

Did you have any idea what were those "dream offers" I referred to? If not then your point is trivial.


是啊,一个人的“dream job”可以在他喝醉了趴在马桶上吐的时候给他揉背,可以在他工作不顺心情不爽的时候给他安慰,可以在他生病的时候凌晨两点跑出去给他买药,可以在他乱吃东西的时候对他说“吃了对身体不好,不要吃了”……

你哪天找到这样的dream job给偶说一声。

seiyafan@2003-11-25 02:18

最初由 Harmatia 发布


是啊,一个人的“dream job”可以在他喝醉了趴在马桶上吐的时候给他揉背,可以在他工作不顺心情不爽的时候给他安慰,可以在他生病的时候凌晨两点跑出去给他买药,可以在他乱吃东西的时候对他说“吃了对身体不好,不要吃了”……

你哪天找到这样的dream job给偶说一声。


对了,哪天你能证明那种dream job能养家糊口的时候也告诉我一声


Harmatia@2003-11-25 02:46

最初由 seiyafan 发布


对了,哪天你能证明那种dream job能养家糊口的时候也告诉我一声



The ****? How is a human relationship "a job" at all? Why must the two be antithetical to each other? They are meant to be complementary, not in conflict! You seem to confusing job with non-job aspects of life, that's the botton line of what I am trying to convey.

You want to talk about being realistic? First of all, why are you talking about the youth only? Why isn't middle-aged people a concern? You will turn 40 one day, you know. Or do you simply presume that intimate human relationships will just come to you naturally without an effort at cultivation? Who is the dreamer here?

People always like to think they are oh so special and common social rules don't apply to them. That's the naive part.

jsan@2003-11-25 03:11

最初由 seiyafan 发布

That's not true, if you get the offer why wouldn't you take it?

I mean you would not know how a job is until you still working at it. If the job you found is exactly what you are looking for then good for you. If not, one should not waste time and should start working and searching for that dream job at the same time.

souldecision@2003-11-25 03:21


JanusWang@2003-11-25 03:51

最初由 jsan 发布

I mean you would not know how a job is until you still working at it. If the job you found is exactly what you are looking for then good for you. If not, one should not waste time and should start working and searching for that dream job at the same time.

In my opinion, dream job sometimes, if not most times, is just a dream! That is to say, to find a job that is what you are dreaming of is so difficult, which is the reality most of us have to face to.
As humans of this world, we have to study to yield to it. When we were still in campus, most of us have so many dreams, including a dream job, and at the same time, we are a little bit too frail, maybe that is why some of the students will choose suicide. However, when you got a job offer, especially in such a bad economical environment, you will accept it, no matter it is your dream or not. After that, you will be more strong, even callous.
If the job can not be your spirit support - in my mind, those who treat job as their spirit support are crazy men - you do need some other things.

jsan@2003-11-25 04:19

Strong is good, callous is not. When one become callous, life lost a lot of meaning.

JanusWang@2003-11-25 04:32

最初由 jsan 发布
Strong is good, callous is not. When one become callous, life lost a lot of meaning.

sometimes I cannot avoid of being callous on something. And sometimes being callous is just to protect myself.

aaabbbccc@2003-11-25 05:11

dream job is a job which u dont mind a not so great salary so long as it is enough.

someone would say, "keep ur interest as hobby and work as work. interest as work will make it not so interesting". IMHO, that's utterly rubbish. human can only do great things when they really want to do. u work 40+ hours per week, why waste so much time on something not so interesting if u got the chance?

seiyafan@2003-11-25 10:34

最初由 Harmatia 发布

Or do you simply presume that intimate human relationships will just come to you naturally without an effort at cultivation? Who is the dreamer here?

Hold on a second, who said I will seek intimate human relationships?

seiyafan@2003-11-25 10:41


我说的“dream job”是什么,是当什么经理或有权力的人物么?笑话。我不求财富,我不求名誉,我不求当什么官。我只要一个我能做把我学到的用上的一个能我enjoy life的工作,这点就满足我了。我知道外面很多工作薪水很高,甚至还有几乎不同付出就能拿到很多钱的工作,我当然不会对这些感兴趣,这样的生活有什么意义?而且我刚才说的那些能让我满足的工作,也不是什么arbitrary variables like X, Y, Z. 不管是公司还是国家实验室,地方我心里是有数的。Job interviews我这里学期也没有少拿,工作地方干的是什么我心里也是有数的。

还有就是不要把常人认为的什么需要human relationships来充实生活来往我头上套,I am a normal person, but not without MY values and beliefs.

WTW@2003-11-26 13:55

楼主说的那个人的精神承受能力也太差了。我认识的一个朋友出国读书第二年就出现经济问题,且在学习上也困难不少。还不是咬紧牙根撑下去,一边合法赚钱一个想办法尽快完成学业。可惜因为学费和生活费实在难以解决,且因为赚钱学习也没兼顾好,学习也出现危机。虽然家里说可以把房子和其他财产都卖了供他继续学习,但他知道父母最后的退休血汗钱不能要,为了他们的健康和剩下生活。最后毅然放弃学业决定回国工作,只留了句I will come back.就走了。他走时也没看出什么伤感难过,还是保持微笑的样子,其他人都觉得可惜,都说这么聪明的人就这样浪费了几年努力,中途放弃,但有多少人明白他心里的无奈和对事情的看的开。

aaabbbccc@2003-11-26 17:19

最初由 WTW 发布
楼主说的那个人的精神承受能力也太差了。我认识的一个朋友出国读书第二年就出现经济问题,且在学习上也困难不少。还不是咬紧牙根撑下去,一边合法赚钱一个想办法尽快完成学业。可惜因为学费和生活费实在难以解决,且因为赚钱学习也没兼顾好,学习也出现危机。虽然家里说可以把房子和其他财产都卖了供他继续学习,但他知道父母最后的退休血汗钱不能要,为了他们的健康和剩下生活。最后毅然放弃学业决定回国工作,只留了句I will come back.就走了。他走时也没看出什么伤感难过,还是保持微笑的样子,其他人都觉得可惜,都说这么聪明的人就这样浪费了几年努力,中途放弃,但有多少人明白他心里的无奈和对事情的看的开。

this is what a MAN will do.

蛊蜜@2003-11-26 18:45

最初由 WTW 发布
楼主说的那个人的精神承受能力也太差了。我认识的一个朋友出国读书第二年就出现经济问题,且在学习上也困难不少。还不是咬紧牙根撑下去,一边合法赚钱一个想办法尽快完成学业。可惜因为学费和生活费实在难以解决,且因为赚钱学习也没兼顾好,学习也出现危机。虽然家里说可以把房子和其他财产都卖了供他继续学习,但他知道父母最后的退休血汗钱不能要,为了他们的健康和剩下生活。最后毅然放弃学业决定回国工作,只留了句I will come back.就走了。他走时也没看出什么伤感难过,还是保持微笑的样子,其他人都觉得可惜,都说这么聪明的人就这样浪费了几年努力,中途放弃,但有多少人明白他心里的无奈和对事情的看的开。

“合法赚钱”,偶不是说鼓励去打黑工什么的,但是实际上如果想靠自己打工生活的话不打黑工几乎是不可能的吧?打黑工的范围也很广,包括工作时间超出政府法定限制,这样的话除非你运气好能力强,能找到一份高薪的非体力工作,而且还是Part-time,每周只工作10/12小时。- -//
