『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[求助]Industrial and Labor ..


seiyafan@2005-01-11 09:40

我当时选major的时候也没有考虑那么多,只是想对那方面多了解就学了,中间曾经想转到CS或CE,因为CS或CE的课相对比EE的要容易,那时候转也很容易,毕业后起薪也一样,何必要遭那个罪呢?不过后来还是没有转,因为课难而不是没有兴趣而转我觉得不是什么理由,EE那时候也有前途,当时选EE也是考虑过的而不是头脑一热而选的。路就是这么一步一步走下来的,一直到现在找到工作,虽然还没有毕业。我公司每年都到80多个大学办招生活动,面对的从MIT/Stanford/Berkley一类的到一些engineering/science比较强的state universities,也包括我们大学在内。然而那个list上没有我当时申请的给我全额奖学金的大学,虽然那个也是以engineering为主。我以前选大学的时候没有后悔过,到现在也没有后悔,只是如果当时SAT考的再高一些现在背的贷款会少一些。当然了,如果去那个给我全奖大学的话,只是现在要走的路会不一样而已,去的公司会不一样,it's all about being different, there is no good or bad. 活说回来,我当时觉得难的课到最后也都拿A了。虽然几年前动摇过,现在回想起来,以后生活中会遇到各种难事和挫折,学生时代其实是最容易的,要是在读书的时候就觉得不行了,这人以后在社会上会是很脆弱的,经不起什么风浪的。如果说你家是大富或者当大官之类的还可以另当别论,但大部分这个人都不是那种。

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [求助]Industrial and Labor Relation就业前景及专业选择

Novia@2005-01-11 09:42

最初由 myrion 发布

很多學校的master program都是設計專門針對cpa考試的
好像每一州的資格都不太一樣 加州似乎要修滿150 credits(not sure)
好不好考偶不清楚 偶不是專唸會計的:p:p


怎么都要念master.....想到偶如果也要考那个GRE.......寒都寒死了...........- -|||||||||

最初由 jingwen 发布
Novia, not everyone has to go to a superb school to make one's life extraordinary. We want to be happy and to live our life, not when we about to die, we look back and find that we have not lived. According to your self-reported English proficiency, staying in SUNY may be a good choice for u. Don't make things so hard for urself. Knowing how much u weight and don't take on the things that you know you can't handle. Self-evaluation's quality is very important in your life.

恩~~~有道理啊~~~~偶就素怕4年出来以后没人要的话怎么办........你也打算念grad school的吗?~~~~~~


最初由 JanusWang 发布
Novia, SUNY, SUNY! Hopefully I will visit there this summer. God bless me to have funding for 2005-2006, or I can not pay for the trip

but i won't be there this summer......还没入学哪......而且这个summer偶要回中国一趟..........lol~~~~


jingwen@2005-01-11 11:44

你也打算念grad school的吗?~~~~~~

That is almost for sure, and if I actually end up in law major, I probably will think of getting Ph.D degree. but anyway, these are all future, and future is unfathomable.

JanusWang@2005-01-11 12:08



Harmatia@2005-01-11 12:42

最初由 JanusWang 发布

yes I really agree with that

seiyafan@2005-01-11 13:28

And Walmart is #1 in Forturn 500. Okay that was a bad example but my "creative thinking" and "emotional thinking" were not well taught in my engineering curriculum. ;) Anyway, I will quote your writing in a slightly different way:


Lizard@2005-01-11 13:43

最初由 jingwen 发布
Actually, I am really interested in humanity subjects, but in the other hand, I am also very good at math and science. I am good at math and science not because I love them but I have a good way to learn them. Among all the engineering majors, EE has the broadest way, but again I don't like programming and the CS course that I am taking now. I have been informed that EE involves a lot programming stuff~~

seiyafan, studing in the School of Industrial and Labor Relation doesn't mean that I want to stay poor. it is easy to go from ILR to business school or law school. And as I am thinking about graduate school, if I don't choose EE, I probably will choose law.
my circumstance was the same as urs except the fact that i wasn't interested in engineering in the first place
now i end up taking both social sci. and humanities courses over life sci./business(which "might be" easier for me in a short term) b'caz i personally enjoy them. 4 me , this is not only a brand new experience but also a challenge one. but what's more important is that I am willing to overcome any possible struggles. (If u don't like it, u wouldn;t be so energetic)

or u may develop ur interest after taking them..this could be an alternative:rolleyes:

JanusWang@2005-01-11 14:05

饭饭,我感觉到了强烈的春天的气息。haha, just kidding

seiyafan@2005-01-11 14:11


jingwen@2005-01-12 06:07


Liz, yea, I'm thinking about the same thing, such as major in pre-law but take more than required math and science courses in college. I think doing math and science is a good way to train your brain and creativity.

Lizard@2005-01-12 08:00

最初由 jingwen 发布

Liz, yea, I'm thinking about the same thing, such as major in pre-law but take more than required math and science courses in college. I think doing math and science is a good way to train your brain and creativity.
speaking of creativity, visual art is not a bad choice either...........:o :o :o :o
