『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>好强的歌词翻译,Scarb ..

Harmatia@2004-08-13 00:27

有付原翻译者稿费么? >.>

neophoenix@2004-08-17 18:14


纳蘭緋@2004-08-17 21:40

爆强....这个翻译实在是太强了- -+


cynsia@2004-08-17 23:42


sunny_rain@2004-08-20 06:21

That's really cool!!
It's hard to translate language now that I know two languages (and a half...). I always use to be mad at my cousin for her bad translation job, but now I understand her pain ^^"

三鹰@2004-08-21 00:20


so25@2004-08-22 00:37

Amazing. Don't know how you can translate english in Chinese in such a traditional way. Excellent job... When did she finish it?

miyake@2004-08-22 00:43


neofreestyler@2004-09-23 20:13

这几天在听钢琴+小提琴版的Scarborough Fair ~~
在一个DRAMA中还听过COUNTRY STYLE的,也很灵的~~带着淡淡的忧伤的音乐。

Explanations of the lyrics
The narrator of the song is a man who was jilted by his lover. Although dealing with the paradoxes he sees himself posed to in a very subtle and poetic manner, this was a folk song and not written by nobles. The courtly ideal of romantic love in the middle ages, practised by knights and noblemen, was loving a lady and adoring her from a distance, in a very detached manner. There was hardly a dream and sometimes not even a wish that such love could ever be answered.

As a version of the song exists which is set in Whittington Fair and which is presumed to be equally old, it is puzzling why the lieu d'action of the song eventually became reverted to Scarborough. A possible explanation is that this is a hint from the singer to his lover, telling how she went away suddenly without warning or reason. Scarborough was known as a town where suspected thieves or other criminals were quickly dealt with and hung on a tree or à la lanterne after some form of street justice. This is why a 'Scarborough warning' still means 'without any warning' in today's English. This would also account for the absence of any suggestion of a reason for her departure, which could mean either that the singer doesn't have a clue why his lady left, or perhaps that these reasons are too difficult to explain and he gently leaves them out.

The writer goes on to assign his true love impossible tasks, to try and explain to her that love sometimes requires doing things which seem downright impossible on the face of it. The singer is asking his love to do the impossible, and then come back to him and ask for his hand. This is a highly unusual suggestion, because in those days it was a grave faux-pas to people from all walks of life for a lady to ask for a man's hand. Yet it fits in well with the rest of the lyrics, as nothing seems to be impossible in the song.

The meaning of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
The herbs parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, recurring in the second line of each stanza, make up for a key motive in the song. Although meaningless to most people today, these herbs spoke to the imagination of medieval people as much as red roses do to us today. Without any connotation neccesary, they symbolize virtues the singer wishes his true love and himself to have, in order to make it possible for her to come back again.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Parsley is still prescribed by phytotherapists today to people who suffer from bad digestion. Eating a leaf of parsley with a meal makes the digestion of heavy vegetables such as spinach a lot easier. It was said to take away the bitterness, and medieval doctors took this in a spiritual sense as well.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sage has been known to symbolize strength for thousands of years.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary represents faithfulness, love and remembrance. Ancient Greek lovers used to give rosemary to their ladies, and the custom of a bride wearing twigs of rosemary in her hair is still practised in England and several other European countries today. The herb also stands for sensibility and prudence. Ancient Roman doctors recommended putting a small bag of rosemary leaves under the pillow of someone who had to perform a difficult mental task, such as an exam. Rosemary is associated with feminine love, because it's very strong and tough, although it grows slowly.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
According to legend, the king of fairies dances in the wild thyme with all of the fairies on midsummernight; that's the best known legendary appearance of the herb. But the reason Thyme is mentioned here is that it symbolizes courage. At the time this song was written, knights used to wear images of thyme in their shields when they went to combat, which their ladies embroidered in them as a symbol of their courage.

This makes it clear what the disappointed lover means to say by mentioning these herbs. He wishes his true love mildness to soothe the bitterness which is between them, strength to stand firm in the time of their being apart from each other, faithfulness to stay with him during this period of loneliness and paradoxically courage to fulfill her impossible tasks and to come back to him by the time she can.


淡淡@2004-09-25 00:00


kaden@2004-09-25 10:33

Scarborough Fair ?我没听过,是我太out了?还是太in?

silverpin@2004-09-25 10:44

好高深的语言啊。。。 = =

Harmatia@2004-09-25 11:19

最初由 kaden 发布
Scarborough Fair ?我没听过,是我太out了?还是太in?

It's one of those "oldies but goodies".

无极之天@2004-10-27 17:31


星火联谊@2004-10-27 23:10

