
heretic123@2003-12-28 22:18

The stars are gazing at him curiously through the window, he totally immerses to the past in each happy remembrance at night.

heretic123@2003-12-28 22:20

Compatriots. It is high time to stand up and fight for independence and freedom of the motherland!

heretic123@2003-12-28 22:22

Without tools, they rub and make with the stone, there is not grain, They open up wasteland and cultivate, there is not fire, they bore the wood and fetch water, Without drinking water, they dig the well --That is really a hero's times .

heretic123@2003-12-28 22:23

If you can come over and give up coldly , very honoured.

heretic123@2003-12-28 22:25

Recite 300 words in one day, too inconceivable.

stary@2003-12-28 23:02


A day 300 words, too wonderful....

Bhead@2003-12-29 09:46


xliz@2003-12-29 11:27

最初由 Bhead 发布

cross-cultural communication 的問題…… =___=b

xxp@2003-12-29 12:37


So-called "cross-cultural communication" refers to interaction among people of different cultures. This seemly easy concept is actually complicated in practice. Cross-cultural communication involves dissimilar understanding, attitude and interpretation. As we know misunderstanding is not uncommon among people of the same culture background. It is possible that an event or even a sentence can unintentionally harm the others. Isn't it illogical to establish communication for hetero-cultural people with individual background?
Communication exists between people, but not culture. Everyone has his/her different ways to interact with other people, but looking from a big picture they are all governed by each one's cultural background. You can think of this as an analogy between a director and an actor. The actor carries out the scenes under the influence of the director. Often we are ignorant about the subtle influence of our own culture; similarly we are likely to do the same for the "others". By seiyafan

The so-called "trans-culture communication" means the communication of people from different cultures. the definition is simple, while the process is complex. Trans-culture communication is concerned with different cognitions, attitudes and explanations. as we all know, even for 2 people from the same culture can have problems in communication. They may hurt each other unconsciously because of a single word or a incident. So for people that have no common experience, it does not make sense that they will solve the problem of communication well, does it?
Different cultures are not able to communicate with one another, while different individuals can. Everybody has his own way of communication, somehow the general method of communication of an individual is determined by cultures. The relationship between individual and culture is just like actor and director. By bono

"Cross cultural exchange" involves socializing of individual members of different cultural groups. Whilst the definition is very simple, the actual process is complex. Cross cultural exchange involves differentiated knowledge, attitudes and explanations. As we know, communication barrier exists even between two individuals who come from the same cultural background. Members can conflict and be damaged on one simple innocent phrase or a random scenario. Hence, to evaluate the problem of exchange without unison past seems illogical?
Whilst there cannot be a perfect exchange in culture, communication exists between individuals. Everyone has their own unique social technique, but culture defines each individual's general behaviour. A good metaphor of inter-people cultural relationships would be the relationship between an actor and the director. An actor tries to dissolve into the character's role, while being influenced by the director. We often misunderstand our cultural influence to the macro-environment; in parallel, we are often ignorant on other individual's effect the macro-culture. By 母牛女神

if you need to understand someone, you can do it by finding out what kind of friends he has and what kind of books he reads, for some make friends with individuals while the others make friends with books. but whatever sort of friends he makes, they must be good ones.
good books are like good friends, which always remain loyal and still instead of inconstance. good books are also always good-tempered and always stay with us, encouraging us even when we are struggling against adversity and impoverished.
adoring a common person may make 2 people friends, while loving one book will exactly do the same. it's said "love me, love my dog". however, the saying that "love me, love my book" seems to make more sense. love between each other will be deeper while 2 like the same book. 2 people will love each other when they are all fond of the same writer, and they can exchange thoughts and feelings within this writer's works, which makes them become bosom friends. By bono

To understand an individual, we can look at his social circle, or on the books he reads, this is because some make friends with people, some make friends with books. Nevertheless, whether one makes friends with people or books, it should always be a good friend. By 母牛女神

1. 有人来打扰你,是个焦渴的人,一人由于太多的话语堵塞了口腔,常常像哑吧一样的人。
Someone attention-seeking interrupts you, due to the fact that too much words and stuck in the throat, he always seems dumb. by 母牛女神
2. 父亲严厉的话语几乎把她吓死,再也不敢说出实情。
The severe words said by her father frighten her so much that she can never tell the truth. by 不惊云

She was so petrified by her father's solemn words, she would not dare to tell the truth ever again. By 母牛女神

3. 我们原本是石头,是爱赋予了我们美丽的光亮。
We used to be stones, but it is love that gives us the splendid light of life. by JanusWang

A touch of light, illuminates the dullness in our lives. By seiyafan

We were once just rocks, it is love which made us shine. By 母牛女神

4. 这个现代陈世美却也赢得了一些人的同情。
It is implausible/unbelievable that there are still some persons who sympathize such a love trickster. by JanusWang

Even a villain like him has won some sympathy. By 母牛女神

5. 既然小李已经向他道歉,但应该怎么做呢?当然是原谅小李。
Since xiao li has already apologized, then what should be done? Forgiveness, of course. By 母牛女神

6. 照这么说,你辱骂他完全是为了他好,是为了唤醒他的自尊喽。
You mean, your chastisement is totally for his own good, to awaken his self-esteem? By seiyafan

So in according, your insults at him was entirely for his own benefit, to awaken his pride. By 母牛女神

7. 星星透过窗户好奇地注视着他,他完全沉浸在对过去每个欢乐的夜晚的回忆之中。
Stars stared at him through the window curiously, and found that he had already immersed in the joyful memories of every night in the past. by xliz

The stars glaze through the windows, staring it him curiously, while he indulges in every single happy moments of that night. by 母牛女神

8. 同胞们。是站起来为祖国的独立和自由而战斗的时候了!
Brethren! It is time to stand up for the independence and freedom for our country! by 不惊云 xliz JanusWang

My fellow countrymen, it is time to stand up and fight for your country's independance and freedom. By 母牛女神

9. 没有工具,他们用石头磨造,没有粮食,他们开荒耕种,没有火,他们钻木取水,没有饮用水,他们挖井——那真一个英雄的年代。
They used stones to make tools; They opened up wasteland for food; They got fire by drilling the wood; They gained water by digging wells. What a heroic era. by xliz

Without tools, they worked with rocks; Without food, they plowed on the ruins; Without fire, they made use of wood; Without drinking water, they digged for wells. It was truly a heroic era. By 母牛女神

10. 汉奸!汉奸!每个人心中都有预备好了这个回答,可是都不愿意把它说出来,他们双手都为祖国害羞,为自己害羞,为什么中国会出这么多的汉奸呢?为什么他们这么多人就一筹莫展地听着汉奸的摆布呢?
Traitor! Traitor! Everyone had this answer in mind, but no one wanted to say it out. Even their hands felt ashamed for the country and themselves. Why are there so many traitors in China? Why are they so useless and have to be manipulated by the traitors? by xliz

Traitors! Everyone has prepared this answer in their own minds, but are unwilling to say it aloud, this is becuase their hands were made to make their country in shame, to make themselves in shame, Why are there so many traitors in China? Why are there so many, who are just naively placed like chess pieces by such traitors? By 母牛女神

11. 你若能光临寒舍,不胜荣幸。
It will be my honor if you pay us a visit. by 不惊云
It will be my great pleasure if you can pay us visit.
Your visit would be my honor. By seiyafan
12. 一天背三百个单词,太不可思议了。
It is amazing that u can memorize 300 words a day. by 不惊云seiyafan

seiyafan@2003-12-29 12:47

1. 有人来打扰你,是个焦渴的人,一人由于太多的话语堵塞了口腔,常常像哑吧一样的人。


5。 既然小李已经向他道歉,但应该怎么做呢?当然是原谅小李。

Since 小李 already aplogized to him, what should you do? Accept his apology for sure.

xliz@2003-12-29 14:18

1. 有人来打扰你,是个焦渴的人,一人由于太多的话语堵塞了口腔,常常像哑吧一样的人。



seiyafan@2003-12-29 14:26

听起来有点多此一举。:D :D

瞌睡虫@2003-12-29 15:14

最初由 xxp 发布

The severe words said by her father frighten her so much that she can never tell the truth. by 不惊云

It is amazing that u can remember 300 words a day. by 不惊云

Spit my soda out...

xliz@2003-12-29 15:44

最初由 seiyafan 发布
听起来有点多此一举。:D :D


JanusWang@2003-12-29 17:05

最初由 seiyafan 发布
听起来有点多此一举。:D :D

