『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创]The Valentine's Day B ..

[原创]The Valentine's Day Blue (中英双语)

shaka@2003-02-19 10:12

shaka says:

i was thinking about writing this post the day after valentine's, but couldn't because popgo was attacked (c.f. notice by aeug).

valentine's day could be wonderful to some and totally disastrous to others. this is proven by two of my roommates, who had completely different fates on 14 feb. one had a breakthrough in his relationship with a girl. they had been very close all along but neither side had formally defined the relationship. however, when my roommate came back on valentine's evening, he was grinning brightly and starting to refer to her as "my girlfriend", with a sense of pride and superiority (over unfortunate guys such as me :mad: ). another guy, however, was rejected when he tried to invite the girl to a valentine's concert. he came back without saying anything, heading straight for the bed.. :(

i always consider that valentine's day has nothing to do with me, at least at present stage. but somehow, the mood had affected me this time, and i became extremely depressed recently, for no reason. during the beach party at sentosa, i was walking aimlessly along the beach. i think my math tutor, a mid-aged women, still single (arael, do you know her, ms wong?), must have seen me wandering alone, because she went to me and said she'd like to give me some biscuits to eat. sympathise with me when finding me alone while other guys are busy flirting around? i appreciate it, but it's actually a bit extra. i wasn't feeling sad. i was just praying that the stupid event could end quickly so i could go home and sleep!

then the next day proved to be worse. the chinese orchestra organised an orientation activity for the new year-ones. we had a game called 'urban hike', in which all of us were divided into groups of six and were supposedly to do some embarassing and daring acts. guess what's my group's quest? ----- Buy a, ahem, condom! being the only male in the team, i was obliged to be the task-bearer. well, it's actually no big deal for me. i bought it normally, calmly, quickly. but when i rushed back to our meeting point, something deadly happened --- i lost my wallet! damn it, why my wallet? why not the condom? i need my wallet, i dont need that stupid thing. as such, i wasn't enjoying the later part of the game at all.

having been feeling awful during this period of time, plus the misfortune of losing my wallet, i decided that i should drink some beer, and hopefully i could be drunk and have a change of mood afterwards. that's naive thinking and i don't normally resort to drinking to relieve myself. in fact, i never drank alcohol before. and then something pleasantly surprising happened. i received a call from the police, saying that a lady, unwilling to reveal her identity, found my wallet and returned it to them (just one more reason to love singapore). they asked me to claim it back. Thank God! if anything happened lately had improved my unexplained gloominess, it has to be this great news. my desire to get drunk was thus eroded away but i drank the beer anyway. my inexperience with alcoholic stuff was immediately apparent when the two bottles of beer were shared by 4 roommates and each of us got only a few mouthful of beer. how to become drunk if it's only this small amout? but i initially thought 2 bottles were enough to make me drunk...hehe

that's all about my miserable life on the valentine's day and the day after. valentine's day...a lot of controversy indeed. February so far has been highly reckless, with the chinese new year, the muslim festive, and the valentine's interrupting the usual school life. now that the school has settled a bit, and the academic engine picks up speed again, i finally can resume my normal life as a student. now i'm worried about my overdue assignments more than anything else.....

(sorry. can't input chinese suddenly. it was meant to be in chinese originally. shall post the chinese version after i fix the problem)

shindon hikaru@2003-02-19 13:44

Although there r two concepts of Valentine's day, I still enjoy it!

shaka@2003-02-19 20:56

shaka says:





一直以为情人节这种东西跟我是搭不上关系的,至少目前是这样。可是莫名其妙的,我却被周围人的心情所感染,无缘无故地变得特别郁闷。当整个学校在圣淘沙岛上聚会的时候,我一个人无聊地沿着沙滩散步。大概是这一幕让我的数学老师看到了,她自己也是孤身一人的中年妇女,就同情地走过来说请我吃几块饼干(Arael大大认识Ms Wong吗?)。虽然我很感激她的关心,可是这有点多此一举。我并不是一个人在伤感什么,只是希望这愚蠢的派对可以快点结束,我好回去睡觉!

接下来的一天更糟糕。学校的华乐团组织了一次高一新生“迎新会”,大家来到乌节路上玩一个叫“Urban Hike”的游戏。我们被分成了六人的小组,要完成一些捉弄人的任务。猜猜我们组抽到什么任务? 买……避孕套!作为小组里唯一的男生,我自然义不容辞地顶下了这个艰巨的使命。其实也没什么,我思想还是挺开放的,不慌不忙地就买好了,一点不觉得尴尬。可是就在我跑回聚集点的时候,不幸的事发生了——我的钱包掉了!天哪!干嘛掉的非是我的钱包?干嘛掉的不是避孕套?我要我的钱包,我要那玩意儿作甚?真是乐极必生悲,原本好转的心情又一次坠入了谷底。



§霖小雨§@2003-02-22 10:25

wow...the english version is like an essay...good show!

shaka@2003-02-23 13:14


Re: [原创]The Valentine's Day Blue (中英双语)

Arael@2003-02-24 02:11

最初由 shaka 发布

i always consider that valentine's day has nothing to do with me, at least at present stage. but somehow, the mood had affected me this time, and i became extremely depressed recently, for no reason. during the beach party at sentosa, i was walking aimlessly along the beach. i think my math tutor, a mid-aged women, still single (arael, do you know her, ms wong?), must have seen me wandering alone, because she went to me and said she'd like to give me some biscuits to eat. sympathise with me when finding me alone while other guys are busy flirting around? i appreciate it, but it's actually a bit extra. i wasn't feeling sad. i was just praying that the stupid event could end quickly so i could go home and sleep!

I'm not really sure...
But i think my math tutors were married... There was a young lady being the F.Math lecturer.... But I don't remember their names anymore...

Yah.. I really hate those stupid activites too... Sometimes I think singaporeans' high-school students are just like junior highs in other places... I hope I had skipped the orientation... Although I've heard that some other JCs are worse...

myrion@2003-02-26 10:22

i have three times experiences of losing my wallet 2 consecutive years. since then my friends always joke me on my instant reactions after losing purse, like calling the emergency to the credit card banks or reapplying personal id...@_@

Re: Re: [原创]The Valentine's Day Blue (中英双语)

shaka@2003-02-26 13:56

最初由 Arael 发布

I'm not really sure...
But i think my math tutors were married... There was a young lady being the F.Math lecturer.... But I don't remember their names anymore...

Yah.. I really hate those stupid activites too... Sometimes I think singaporeans' high-school students are just like junior highs in other places... I hope I had skipped the orientation... Although I've heard that some other JCs are worse...

never mind, perhaps (my batch no) - (your batch no) is an odd integer; that's why we are taught by different groups of math lecturers..hehe

well, most singaporeans do seem to enjoy such activities. as for orientation, i learnt from my first day experience, and was nowhere to be seen in school on the following 2 days :) i always have this feeling that the councillors enjoy it more than the j1s do. anyway, they've got to enjoy it. that's what council life is all about. saying orientation is not fun is equivalent to regreting to be a councillor. otherwise, it will just be banner painting, banner painting, and yet more banner painting... which i think the arts club can do a much better job.

最初由 myrion 发布

i have three times experiences of losing my wallet 2 consecutive years....

did you get them back? i lost my wallet 3 times in 3 years but everytime i managed to get it back. must be careful though. luck is not always there.

Re: Re: Re: [原创]The Valentine's Day Blue (中英双语)

myrion@2003-02-27 10:28

最初由 shaka 发布
did you get them back? i lost my wallet 3 times in 3 years but everytime i managed to get it back. must be careful though. luck is not always there.

actually no one sent my poor purse, my poor money back. the painful experiences tought me "to keep meticulous at any time, any where."

怜水晶@2003-02-28 05:42

但情人节已经 已经过去啦~哎~