『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Why Americans are so crazy fo ..

Why Americans are so crazy for ANIMEs?

Tsuioku@2002-04-13 10:57

I thought Americans like the animations produced by their own country such as Disney more than Japanese ones.
But why are there so many fansubs in USA?
Maybe I was wrong.I don't understand now.
Which the heck do they love better,American Animations or Japanese Animes?
Why do they love Japanese ones?

tatara@2002-04-13 11:06

IMHO, the average lay person likes American cartoon. You know, those normal joe, average American folks.

But the otakus, those who are obsessed with anime, are really in for it. :) You can't top their obsession with Japanese stuff.

Typically, those who like anime also like Chinese kung fu films.

MS Gundam@2002-04-15 09:11

two reasons:
(1)there are a lot of korean, japanese and chinese here so anime is of course their favorite
(2)there is no american cartoon suitable for teens

dummy@2002-04-16 14:58

Americans are crazy for japanimation because its quality is so much better than those "cartoons" that Americans produce.

taihood@2002-04-17 12:13

Don't talk about Americans, Our Chinese are crazy for jap anime too

standoffish@2002-04-19 04:25

最初由 taihood 发布
Don't talk about Americans, Our Chinese are crazy for jap anime too

Please address Japanese approriately! Do not use such derogatory term as "jap" ! How would you like to be called "chink"? 己所不欲勿施於人~~

tatara@2002-04-19 04:33

Calm down, he probably didn't mean it. :)
Or just use "Jap." Then it's an obvious abbreviation.