nhnoriko@2003-04-18 12:33
我听朋友说现在回国了以后,再回加拿大上课,过关时要隔离10天,而且10天的费用都要你自己出,目的就是检验是否带非典的菌。还有,现在的学生签证续签是否难签了很多啊?阿苏@2003-04-18 14:42
留学签证好像是基本办不到...隔离嘛...听说温哥华入境的话1个礼拜...听说...听说而已...Lizard@2003-04-18 15:23
引用Individuals who have travelled to Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam (Hanoi), Beijing and the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shanxi, should monitor themselves for symptoms for 10 days after returning.
雨过天晴@2003-04-18 22:54
我爸昨天回国了....回来时肯定得隔离gt_X@2003-04-18 23:40
那么惨吗,我在澳洲,6月份要回国,希望那个时候sars没了alex31@2003-04-19 00:01
6月不要回了好,我把机票都推了,本来就3个星期假,再关小黑屋10天,不敢想。。。。。gt_X@2003-04-20 03:46
加拿大是要隔离吗,我听说澳洲的话回去就不给你回来了,而且签证已经停发了donald1001@2003-04-20 11:17
是不是真的呀?tBlue@2003-04-21 14:24
我就是要回家,什么也拦不住我回家,我不怕,死也要死在家里Raywell@2003-04-22 02:31
听说隔离是在自己的家里吧,不是什么恐怖的黑房子.......scyandzh@2003-04-22 03:12
前一段时候 学校就发通知给中国留学生 最好不要回国。souldecision@2003-04-22 03:46
恐怖啊, 偶外婆本来飞机票都已经买好了,想回上海的说,现在退了.傀翼@2003-04-22 05:50
最近最好不要回国~~~~~~ayia@2003-04-22 06:14
I don't konwLizard@2003-04-22 07:02
引用最初由 ayia 发布
I don't konw
my classmate have bought the ticket to go back China
but ,recently . he is think about wether he come back , because SARS is really ill in Canada now :(
要隔离10天. is depend on what part of China you come from. if you come from HONGKONG or South of China, hehehe~~~