[资料]“An attempt was made to access an unnamed file past its end”
天國天使@2003-04-28 00:39
The message box "An attempt was made to access an unnamed file..." only shows up, if emule receives a corrupted extended protocol message or a corrupted server packet. The term "unnamed" revers to an internal file object which has no filename -- as it is for temporary memory file objects. Therefore that message will not show up if there is a problem with the part file or shared file reading, because those files always have a name. Furthermore the part file and shared file reading is done while processing a standard edonkey protocol message and this message handler has an exception handler which prevents that message box to show up. Anyway, that possibility was defenitively worth to be double checked -- just to be sure
the complete bug fix for the "An attempt was made..." message box or the according error log line which is created in 0.28a during searching will be implemented in 0.28b. I figured out that it's indeed related to some type of search results which are returned randomly by some servers -- that's why all of you experienced that bug under different scenarious and conditions. It depends on the server used for search and the clients which are conected to that server and the type of search pattern you used for searching -- well it's rather complex. It has nothing to do with any .NET updates or similar things.
阿苏@2003-04-28 00:58
the complete bug fix for the "An attempt was made..." message box or the according error log line which is created in 0.28a during searching will be implemented in 0.28b.sakiel@2003-04-28 08:55
关于这个问题,可以看看hiei的这贴:WINGX@2003-04-28 18:00
大大們借問一下 對不起啦 ...天國天使@2003-04-28 20:59
小弟不是反對大家改用0.28a,0.27c fix,EM+,只是想再澄清一下:RedNax@2003-04-28 20:59
换了改过的.27c来用,提示筐是不见了,不过却发现能搜到的源比以前少多了——和用低版本时跳出对话框的结果一样……vb1234@2003-05-02 01:05
我也是0.22c的啊darkmax@2003-05-02 08:29
我把emule重開之後,就可以一段時間不會跳出了..........^^realplay@2003-05-13 05:57
引用最初由 sakiel 发布