『漫游』酷论坛>『漫游水世界』>青青子衿>[原创]有蜻蜓停在你的 ..


wawdj@2003-05-12 05:40



*Is there a dragonfly stops on your shoulder?*

There is a story happened in a quiet but beautiful city.

One day a girl wounded in accident, she’s quietly lying on the bed of hospital. Everyday there’s a distressed boy guarded beside her bed. God is inspired and ask him if he would like to save the girl with his own life. That boy doesn’t hesitate and accepted.

Spring is comes, a dragonfly flies back for his lover. However, the dragonfly observed a tall and handsome man stands beside her. He almost falls off and felt so sad even his heart is injured. That man takes his lover to see sunrise and sunset in the seaside. But he could do nothing but occasionally stops on her shoulder.

The summer for this year is special long, the dragonfly painfully flies everyday. He even doesn’t have confidence to get close his lover.

The wedding holds in the last day of the third year.

He flies into church silently and stopped on god’s shoulder, he hears his lover swear to say to the god she would love that man forever. The dragonfly stares at him to wear a ring on her finger, and then they kiss sweetly. The tear flows but nobody would see that.

God sighs and ask the dragonfly if he would regret. He wiped his tears and says he would never regret. God pleased and tells he would no longer be a dragonfly. The dragonfly refused and tells to god to let him be a dragonfly forever.

Some predestination could never be owned in lifetime, some of them would have bad ending forever. But love a person is not necessarily to own, own a person must love that person certainly.

Is there a dragonfly stops on your shoulder?

dreamswn@2003-05-12 07:05


糊涂葫芦@2003-05-12 07:10

A real nice essay, I'd like to say.

Sometimes love philosophy is called lyrical philosophy, for it is in the sense of being romantic or even maniacal.

To love some one doesn'y mean you need to be with her forever. As long as the real emotion is from the bottom of your heart, you can always feel the breeze of love.

Still, there's something different from before,and this something is us and our love.

wawdj@2003-05-12 07:26


that's what i'd like to express...