

dreamswn@2003-05-14 13:35



Yesterday I saw a rainbow
God had left not only one gaudy rays
right after the pouring rain
They Softly hung on the velvet sky
accompanying with the twinkle sunshine
penetrating through my vein

They predicted that my life would be in shades
They said I would live in a clash
They forecasted that my dreams would vain
Shame on you that you aimed your nonsense on me
Shame on me that I did fell into your twaddle
until I gazing out of the window
seeing the stunning rainbow range athwart the sky

Too many storms have come and gone
Too many people have drawn closer and left alone
Me, is still sitting at the same spot staring at the silky sky
tracing the rainbow
pray for it to swipe away my soreness

Following the sun’s trace
I suddenly felt the clouds were fading away
Did it swipe away my grief?
Did the rain wash away my ache?
Whatsoever, at least I start enjoying this temptation and levity life.

May 14, 2003