PC is down, help, help.
nina sun@2002-04-29 19:06
by got, my PC is down , first was the screem black sudenliy and then after the opening halb minute in the system is the screem black again. and now the screem is ok and the PC can not open the system, all wrote :NONE ??????? what is wrong, can somebody help me?a551@2002-04-29 19:32
nina,can you describe more clearly??From here the thing you wrote I can justify what is the problem you facing,if you need further help,look for us at MSN os mIRC.terryhui@2002-04-29 20:39
你的電腦down了為甚麼可以上網?:Dterryhui@2002-04-29 21:45
oh....maybe CIH~Good luck la~nina sun@2002-04-30 07:11
正常使用中,突然黑屏。电源,硬盘灯亮。无异常动静,主板指示灯四盏绿灯,正常。重起后可进系统,但1分钟内出现相同情况。用软驱启动,可以启动,但1分钟后黑屏。进入CMOS,1分钟后(更短更长不定)照样黑屏。拆掉光驱硬盘等,还是不行。调换电视卡的插槽,重起后成功。使用正常...一个月后......相同情况出现。调换电视卡不起作用。只剩下主板内存CPU和显卡,不能启动。调换别人的内存,显卡,电源,统统不行,四盏红灯把主板从机箱拿出,裸板加cpu,可以启动,加载内存,过!加载显卡,过,软驱,过!可是,硬盘,CMOS检测不到,并且硬盘没有通电后旋转的声音,换口,不行,换硬盘,正常!把硬盘换到别的机器上,也没有通电的动静。硬盘阵亡,装机。回家后,通电试验,既然全部通过!正常使用。cytown@2002-04-30 09:43
主版问题吧。terryhui@2002-04-30 15:35
可能是顯示器死了,我之前用的acer 15e 也是開機後用了十幾分鐘就突然黑屏,關掉顯示器後,等十多分鐘,再開顯示器,顯示正常,但幾分鐘後,又突然黑屏....nina sun@2002-04-30 21:55
顯示器is new lah, I bought it for 2 mouths! so it can not be it.jihp@2002-05-03 01:13
应该是主板问题,换块板子试试。sabbath@2002-05-03 18:22
好象是主板的问题,拉@2002-05-04 03:39