最初由 so25 发布
Street Festival is common thing happened in the downtown, which need to block the street for the visitors. But I must say the dragon boat is more interesting to see.
DZZX@2003-06-30 12:44
各位在Toronto的朋友知道今天Dunda附近有什么比赛吗? 怎么把好几条路都封了, 害得要步行到Chinatown, 哪儿是不是跟Hamilton一样有自行车比赛??Lizard@2003-07-06 01:35
我完全不知道-.-安安@2003-07-06 01:40
在DUNDAS附近..等等..我去问问!阿苏@2003-07-06 05:03
Sreet Festival啦...这么大事...怎么都不知道的啊...都不看电视...Lizard@2003-07-06 13:31
完全没有看电视.....放假了就不闻时事的人...我现在连星期几都不知道@_@......晕!!!!!dreamswn@2003-07-08 17:11
对了,今天在queen street 看见了一辆很漂亮的赛车,就是矮矮的那种。对不起哦,偶对车不是很了解,也不关心f1,所以实在是不知道该如何形容。。。anyway, 那辆车好像是放在那里展览的感觉。。。Lizard@2003-07-09 03:14
错过良机了><...so25@2003-07-09 09:19
Street Festival is common thing happened in the downtown, which need to block the street for the visitors. But I must say the dragon boat is more interesting to see.Lizard@2003-07-09 10:25
引用最初由 so25 发布
Street Festival is common thing happened in the downtown, which need to block the street for the visitors. But I must say the dragon boat is more interesting to see.
雨过天晴@2003-07-10 03:28