『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>学校展览馆 -- 来吧,宣 ..

学校展览馆 -- 来吧,宣传一下你心仪的学校,让更多的同学加入你!

Blanche@2003-07-20 01:11

不知道你是不是也和我一样, 为成为现在求学的学校的一分子而感到骄傲和自豪呢?
或者你是不是也有心中一直向往的那座象牙塔, 希望有一天能走进那充满着书香的殿堂呢?
如果是这样, 那么来介绍一下你的学校吧, 会有更多的朋友加入你的!

ps. 此帖请勿灌水, 介绍请尽量内容丰富, 将视内容给予30-70漫元的奖励.
谢谢合作. :)

emb422@2003-07-25 04:56

Okay, here's a brief description of my school.
Name: Braulio Alonso High School
Location: Montague St. Town & Country Area, Tampa, FL, US
# of Students: around 2000. 5% of them are Asian, and 5% of the Asians are Chinese.
Principal: Dr. Bunkin-she's a really nice lady (may not be agreeable by other students) who really cares a lot about our education and our school.
Our school is composed of eight buildings, four on the left and four on the right, which open spaces between them. Four buildings are composed of class rooms, and they are two stories. The other four are the administration building, aduiotorium, cafeteria, and gym. There are also a football stadium, soccer field, baseball field, and two hugh parking lots, one for students and one for the teachers. There are many trees, including quite a few palms around our school. It's really beautiful and quiet around the school (if no students were there, that is). Our school was built in 2001, it's going to be our 3rd year next month. I really like the teachers, and SOME of my fellow students. The only problem is that there are just simply too many students here who don't care about their school, and I do not know what to say and do about those people. Our school is very nicely equipped, with computers everywhere. The media center has quite a collection of books that are worth considering. The only place I do not like about our school is the cafeteria. It's simply too small to fit all our students in only 2 lunch periods.

Blanche: thanks for participating.:)

花开煌煌@2003-07-25 07:31


天气:唯有“恶劣”二字可以形容。 记得去年十一月一日开始下雪,直到前几天(四月十几号)也仍然在下。 当然也不是说这五个多月来天天下雪,但是一样的天冷冰厚路滑,走路一不留神就摔跤。 早上洗个头无法完全擦干,走出门没几步头上就已经冰凌子一把一把的了。 去年四月份还有过一次头一天艳阳高照穿件背心还热,二十四小时后就开始飘雪花的记录。总之,除非你是东北锻炼出来的,还是请做最坏的打算。 (我是重庆长大的……) 不过夏天其实很NICE,既有夏天的感觉又不至於热到没有空调你活不了。

景观:人人说康大校园美丽壮观,我也许是看多了不觉得吧。最近在修一栋新的科技大楼,竣工后肯定很漂亮,不过我毕业之前恐怕是看不到的了,只看得到一个乱兮兮的施工场地。工程学院的大楼倒是非常摩登,钟楼面前俯视整个西校园乃至ITHACA也不错(看得到CAYUGA湖哦),还有就是法律学院虽然外貌不扬,但是它顶楼的那个图书馆阅读室却很酷。 不能不提的是康大的庄园(PLANTATION),在夏季绝对是个鸟语花香的世外桃源,不过如果没有车恐怕很难去。 还有就是那个扬名于学术界的“山峡”(GORGES),据说每年有多少多少人因为受不了康大的压力而于桥上跳河(溪流?)自杀。 其实不是真的。 如果泳技不佳建议不要在瀑布 (其实很小) 和河流里面游泳,去年我的一个同学如果不是被别人救起来恐怕是凶多吉少。哦对了,秋天叶子换颜色的时候也很美。

吃饭:WEGMANS是一个非常大的超超超超级市场,里面的蔬菜水果很齐也很新鲜。从COLLEGETOWN开车大概是十五分钟左右(看TRAFFIC),CAMPUS上也有来去的BUS。 中国小店我所知道的有两家,一个是EDDY STREET上新加坡人开的,从工程大楼走到那里大概要十分钟。 不过顺着到WEGMAN的路再开个两三分钟的车就有另外一个,这一家要大得多,东西也齐得多。还有中国凉菜卖哩。 在COLLEGETOWN 的中国餐馆只有一家,名为“香港”。 东西很便宜,但是卫生情况不敢恭维。 其实康大的食堂在全美都是有名的,如果有钱自己又不想做饭可以一试,保你吃饱。 不过不要三餐都在食堂吃,那是浪费钱。



wandola@2003-08-09 23:49


seiyafan@2003-08-20 08:22

Name: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Location: Troy, New York (3 hr drive from NYC)
Population: 5000 Undergrad, 2500 Grad. And the city of Troy has 65k people.

Weather: The best time of the year is in the summer. Period. Temperature in the spring time can usually dip below -20 degrees Celsius. In the summer, temperature can also soar up to 38 degrees Celsius. And the difference between day temp. and night temp is pretty large. About 5 degrees more than that in the new york city. In here we usually get 1 foot or more of snowfall about 2-4 times each year.

School: We have 5 schools at RPI. School of science, engineering, architecture, humanity and social science and management. School of engineering is the largest, thanks to the 50% of the people here being engineering students. In particular electrical engineering undergradate department is often ranked in the top 15 in the nation, however if you want to persue a graduate study, there sure are other schools you want go.

People: 75% are males, sadly that's not uncommon in an engineering school. Need more girls.............

Area: RPI occupies over 260 acres of land, that's about 5 times as large as Columbia U. But Cornell is most likely 10 times larger than RPI. So Cornell is 50 times larger than Columbia U. ...... scary thought....Geez.

Sports: Our hockey team is the only sport team that's in NCAA I division.......... and in the last 2 years I have never watched a single game.... blah....

Starting salary of graduated students: Average amount is comparable to the top 5 school in US, difference is less than 2000-5000 per year, sometimes it's even more.... So the bottom line here is that if you gradate from RPI with a decent grade you will most likely get a job. However in the top schools you will get more opportunities since more employers visit them each year.

Food: Dining hall at RPI is really good, they serve Chinese food during lunch and dinner, and usually 2 different dishes everyday (which overall rotates weekly). I think very few dining halls in US universities have such service.

Academic: All I want to say is that if you are not a slacker and you can push yourself from time to time, you won't be disappointed, besides you can always take grad courses as an undergrad.

Social life: Very few, especially in winter time at night, the campus is dead.

Safety: Who the heck is gonna rob you when it's 25 degrees below zero? The only thing you have to worry is not to freeze yourself to death.....I learn it the hard way when getting off work at 3 am a few times.

Anything else you wanna know, just hit me.


neofreestyler@2003-08-20 19:02

悉尼大学的LAW是全澳洲最好的。当然想要进LAW FACULTY的分数也是要最好的。医科好象也还不错。据说只要是那种需要历史积累,有年代的学科我们学校就好。
学校有9个CAMPUS。MAIN CAMPUS很大!第一次进去都晕了~~楼很像。根本分不清哪里是哪里。所以第一次去最好找个熟人带路。
The following figures are copied down from our uni website.
Give you a brief idea of our uni.

How many:
students? 42,300

international students? 6,140

first-year students? 9,200

academics? 2,280

student clubs and societies? 150

sporting clubs? 50

items in the University's Library? 5.1 million

lecture theatres? 104

laboratories for undergraduate student use? 322

有一点要注意,天黑之后,通往REDFERN TRAIN STATION很不安全。由于REDFERN是土著人的据点,而土著是连警察都不怕的。所以~有点治安问题。我两个同学被抢过,而我被偷过。不过5点后有SECURITY BUS,亦可以先乘BUS去CITY然后再做TRAIN,或者至少两人以上一起走去火车站(尤其是女孩子)。

