『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>September 11th Memorial

September 11th Memorial

emb422@2003-09-12 09:31

Two years ago in this same day, a terrible and dreadful act was perpetrated by religious fanatics from some conflicting region in this planet (which I shall not mention the name). Much destruction was done. I want to publicly denounce those cowards who heartlessly murdered about 3000 innocent civilians in hoping to make themselves "martyrs". They are not martyrs at all, for their cause was nothing more than a collection of terror and destruction. History itself can never be stoped by terrorism. Terrorism is not patroitism towards some region, but a crime against the people of the entire world. We are merely human beings; we do not have the right to take the life of others. It is a rejoice for us to be alive and living. To take away another's life, especially to take away MANY other INNOCENT people's life, is an act against humanity. If we ought to value our own lives, we have to value the lives of others. Yes, some may argue that the certain government to the victims of september 11th attack had done many errors in the past and somehow "deserve" revenge in a form or another--"An eye for an eye", as the ancient law code of Hamurabi had stated. But what will come out of revenge? Nothing but more belligerant and malicious acts... Even if this certain government of the victims had done unforgivable errors, the victims themselves should have never been a target to attacks that was directed to the political stance of the government. Those self aclaimed "martyrs" had done nothing benedictional to this world, but instead created causes for more bloodshed and violence. Let us all remember this day, this day of dread, this day of despair, and this day of innocence. We must all value and appreciate the lives of others. So let us work together to prevent futher malice that may someday hit us. We need a peaceful and harmonious world, and terrorism must be eradicated to ensure the coming of such world. Let freedom, the freedom to live without fear from terror attacks, ring in every corner of the world!

so25@2003-09-14 23:05

It is really sad. unfortunaly, sometimes couldn't change. History provides us lesson to learn, but not all of us learning it until it happens again.

tasukihk@2003-09-15 00:52


it is so difficult
I dont understand.............

emb422@2003-09-19 08:01

My apology... I have a horrible tendency to write wordy paragraphs that may or may not even make any sense.

rgm-79sp@2003-09-19 12:21


lcp@2003-09-19 12:34

最初由 emb422 发布
My apology... I have a horrible tendency to write wordy paragraphs that may or may not even make any sense.

This is written by you ?

How long you have been in USA ?