『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>谁英语好?帮我翻这 ..


贝吉塔@2002-05-11 12:55

Finland. Where the Lugano Convention does not apply the Finnish courts will have jurisdiction over cases involving foreigners if the foreigner has a residence and domicile in Finland. The main rule,with regard to individuals, is that the defendant may be sued where he is domiciled and, with regard to an incorporated business,where it is registered. In addition, a non-resident foreigner may be sued in Finland in the place where he is apprehended or where he has property.

Jurisdiction in matters where the defendant is incorporated, may also rest with the court for the district where the business is carried on. Actions on respect of interest in real estate are heard by the local court for the district where the property is situated. In inheritance matters jurisdiction rests with the court for the district in which the deceased person was last domiciled.

The parties may in most cases agree on the court to have jurisdiction. Such an agreement must be in writing. If the action has already commenced in another court than that which should have jurisdiction then, subject to the defendant's consent, the action may be heard in that court.

I know the meaning, but the translation is...

lukang668@2002-05-12 07:27

在芬兰,管制有居留或定居的外国人的LUGANO 公约在芬兰法庭不适用。主要法令是, 对个人,被告人可以在他定居的地方被起诉;对公司企业, 要在它注册资产的地方被起诉。 另外,非芬兰居民的外国人或公司可以在芬兰境内他被逮捕或拥有资产的地方被起诉。
不知翻的好不好, 剩下的我都懂, 但翻不好, 有空再帮你

贝吉塔@2002-05-12 10:26


ariel@2002-05-13 09:12


U r knocking down my confidence to English ~how cruel ~~~

花开煌煌@2002-05-13 15:16

It's law English...complex sentence structures.... Don't feel too bad.