『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Gunic come in please. ^^

Gunic come in please. ^^

花开煌煌@2002-05-12 07:19

I noticed that your icon is of Ikki from Saint Seiya...just wondering, are you a Saint Seiya fan? Because I'm a big one. ^_^

gunic@2002-05-25 02:11

Hey! Yes, i'm proud to say that I AM a saint seiya fan, it's my all time favorite manga/anime. You think they'll ever produce the Hades series for TV?? :-0

Shypriest@2002-06-02 23:44

花开煌煌, 从Ithaca来,是不是Cornell同学啊? ;-)

花开煌煌@2002-06-07 07:58

To Gunic: Wow..... This is great! Wonderful to meet you! ^_^ SS is my first love, as well. (My favorite SS character is Cygnus Hyoga, btw.) I hope they will produce the anime Hades chapter, but as you may have known by now, the rumors of the French company currently making the Hades chapter is false....

To Shypriest: Yes, I just transferred to Cornell last semester from NYU. ^_^ Where are you at?

Shypriest@2002-06-10 03:51

I'm a Cornellian, too. ^_^ I'll be stuck in Ithaca for the whole summer. 有机会大家一起切磋切磋动漫。

Btw, which year are you?

花开煌煌@2002-06-10 08:00

Hey, what do you know, I'm in Ithaca for the summer too!! (Where are you living? I live off Eddy St.)

I'm halfway through undergrad, Government major/International Relations concentration/East Asian Studies concentration~~what about you?

This is so cool! ^__^

Shypriest@2002-06-10 22:18

This is more than kool, this is awesome! Heehee, right now I'm living at gunhill on the west. I'm a cs major and turning into a senior next year......~sigh~ getting old......but my love to anime is forever young. :-D

Are you taking summer school or working here? I'm working for a cs professor of mine over the summer, and the job starts today. So I will be in upson hall working like 8 hours every weekday from now on, which means my summer vocation is basically over....sniff, sniff....

Do you have AIM or ICQ or QQ? Maybe we can chat online sometimes or even exchange some of our animes. There's nothing better to do in the "gorges" Ithaca than watching tons of animes over the summer. ^^

花开煌煌@2002-06-11 00:05


I'm taking the FALCON Japanese language program for the summer, 8 hour day too. It's really intense so I have Japanese phrases swimming in my head in addition to the English and Chinese ones right now. ^_~

AIM: Unfinis, ViaLactea1999
QQ: 66651974