『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[转贴]Matrix System Log
[转贴]Matrix System Log
Harmatia@2003-11-11 16:15
tail system.log
00:00 Source starts
00:01 Source creates Architect and Oralce as sytem processes
00:02 control is transferred to Architect and Oracle, both have the same priority
00:03 Architect allocates mem in heap, creates the Matrix m = new Matrix();
00:04 Architect loads default configration settings, calls m.start();
m's constructor will create one application process for each human plugged
m's constructor will create a number of application process as agents
00:05 Oracle clones a Neo as a human based on DNA in system library
Architect and Oracle create Neo and Smith, both as system processes,
directly from the Source, both are singletons
Neo.onDeath(Process p){if (p.equals(Smith) this.die();}
Smith.onDeath(Process p){if (p.equals(Neo) this.die();}
Oracle connects Neo the person with Neo the process
00:06 Neo.getInstance().start() and Smith.getInstance().start()
00:07 Oracle creates all supporting cast in a similiar fashion
such as Trinity & co.
00:08 Oracle creates other abnormality such as the Frenchman and gang
00:09 Architect and Oracle decide the rules of the game
what each of them will say at certain stage
00:10 m.runSimulation()
00:11 what you see in M1 happens
00:12 what you see in M2 happens
00:13 what you see in M3 happens
00:14 the neruo-network inside m is trained, settings updated, and write back to Source
00:15 Source recompile: ant release
00:16 Alt-Ctrl-Del
lcp@2003-11-11 16:55
Very deep , I don't understand.
What does this articles mean ?
WINGX@2003-11-12 12:10
"00:16 Alt-Ctrl-Del" 讓我想起MS的東西 ... =.=
Raywell@2003-11-12 12:30
00:08 Oracle creates other abnormality such as the Frenchman and gang
Quite funny though! Can I consider that this is a joke?
DKF90@2003-11-12 21:01
流星,森林,雨@2003-11-12 23:50
Harmatia@2003-11-14 11:49
最初由 流星,森林,雨 发布
JanusWang@2003-11-14 12:32
最初由 Harmatia 发布
my hubby likes it, so I will have to go to movie with him, no matter I like it of not! I will save the tips, 'cause it may be helpful for me understand such a sci-fi movie.
Harmatia@2003-11-14 15:09