『漫游』酷论坛>『IRC下载交流专版』>[请教] 請問在 #NIPPONSEI ..

[请教] 請問在 #NIPPONSEI 上的 Topic

billyim@2003-11-13 18:33

請問各位大大在 #NIPPONSEI 上的 Topic 是什麼樣拿到那些 music ?

還有就是有其他下載最新動畫 music 的 irc 嗎 ?

margie@2003-11-15 02:09

I think the quickest and easiest way to get their releases is using BT. The link is given in the topic message. read it for yourself.

Another way, and the typical way used on irc, is to get them from the bots and fserves running on the channel. type !list to get all the info.

To find more anime osts, you might want to go to #anime-ost and #animemp3. These two channels have been running in service for quite some time~
