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求改英文论文 (朋友写的东西。我没时间改了。)

Harmatia@2003-12-02 13:24

The process of policymaking in Canadian government

ESSAY QUESTION: In order to better understand the process of policy formation in Canadian government, trace the passage of a proposal for a policy through all the stages of the process beginning with the development of the proposal in the convention of the government party just before a national election. Be sure to deal with all the possible forces which may be brought to bear both in government and in the wider community. You may use an example of a hypothetical policy if that assists you in dealing with the answer.

To answer this question, the policymaking process is the first thing needs to understand. Public policy can be defined as “ a course of action or inaction chosen by public authorities to address a given problem or interrelated set of problems.” A policy that requires the passage of a new law, or an amendment to an existing law, and that is later interpreted by the courts. The actual process can be divided into six phases: initiation, priority-setting, policy formulation, legitimation, implementation, and interpretation. The Liberal Party has made a new policy in the convention just before a national election. From the question I know that The Liberal Party already points out an issue in the convention, so I can identify the process of making an issue in the convention is initiation in policymaking process. The question says the policy is making in the convention, but on a smaller scale, a single minister also can make such a decision.

The second phase of the policymaking process is Priority-setting. The prime minister and cabinet decide which of the proposals they have previously selected for consideration are worthy of adoption. In other words, they must determine the general lines of the new initiative. Under this question’s condition, the prime minister belongs to the Liberal Party, so that the decision of the Liberal Party will be the prime minister and cabinet’s decision. Once the cabinet has approved a proposal in principle, it sends a directive to the bureaucracy to work out the details, which means add meat to the skeleton of an issue. It is also the third phase of the policymaking process—policy formulation. This is usually a very time-consuming process requiring coordination among many federal government departments. It may also involve consultation with provincial governments, interest groups, and others. An issue becomes a policy, most people’s agreement are necessary. Questions may be referred back to the cabinet for further direction, but eventually a Memorandum to Cabinet is submitted, outlining the policy in detail. Assuming the proposal requires legislative action, the policy formulation stage culminates in a bill being drafted on the basis of the Memorandum to Cabinet.

The proposal then enters the legislative arena, as did the bill in question. This is the fourth phase of the policymaking process--legitimation. The relevant minister may accept technical alterations to the bill as it proceeds through the House of Commons and the Senate, but the main intent or principle of the bill cannot be changed without approval from the cabinet. The cabinet and members of Parliament contribute political expertise to the process, but given the shortage of time and limited technical expertise characteristic of the legislative branch, most such bills are passed in outline form, without most details. The legitimation stage ends with the token approval of the governor general, signifying that the policy has been officially sanctioned.

Royal assent is unnecessary of the policymaking process. A policy must be implemented in order to be made effective, not just sitting on the statute book. Implementation is the fifth phase of the policymaking process. Implementation almost always involves the drafting of detailed regulations by the bureaucracy. Even though the policy has the same legal standing as if it was part of the enabling statute, the regulations that a law authorizes the executive to make is given only the scarcest scrutiny by either ministers or Parliament, and thus are almost the exclusive preserve of the bureaucracy. Implementation normally requires the setting up of new administrative machinery-new staff, agencies, field offices, and operational manuals, among other things. Usually, it will take more time and money than anticipated. This is a difficulty in policy implementation.

If new legislation is involved, it is often subject to judicial interpretation. Here will be the last phase of the policymaking process—interpretation. Actually, not every policy needs to involve in this phrase. Judges always had an impact on a law by means of how they interpreted it, but the law’s very constitutionality may even be challenged in the courts. In such a case, the judiciary must decide whether the provisions of the law are contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or to the division of powers between federal and provincial governments. For instance, the gun control was subject to such judicial interpretation.

After explaining the process of policymaking, I am focusing on other two important areas.

The first area is, why the liberal party chooses this policy to process in the convention? The key word will be--just before a national election. There are six reasons force The Liberal Party to make a policy like this.

The first reason is election pressure. A policy just before a national election can influence electors’ choices. At the national level, political parties usually set up a campaign committee about two years before they expect the election to be called. They start to think about strategy, policy, image, and budget, as party headquarters conduct public opinion polls to see how the voters perceive the various leaders, parties, and issues. For the party in power, such polls are central to deciding when to call the election in the first place, and for all major parties, polls serve to guider general strategy, media advertising, and the selection of priority riding once the campaign begins. (These revelations also cast doubt on the question of whether elections provide a policy mandate for the successful party. First, Canadian parties rarely present a comprehensive election platform in the campaign. Next, victorious parties do not seem to feel bound by the specific policies that they proposed. In the third place, the limited extent to which issues play a part in the campaign seriously detracts from the claim of any government that it has a mandate to pursuer a particular policy. ) As the party, which manages federal government, it can make policy to satisfy election’s requirement. This is also the main aim to make this policy at this particular time. But there are other reasons force The Liberal Party makes a policy before a national election.

The second reason of the Liberal Party makes a policy is under Pressure Group’s pressure. A pressure group or interest group can be defined as any group that seeks to influence government policy without contesting elections, that is, without putting forward its own candidates. Pressure Groups can divide in Business groups, for instance, Business Council on National Issues; Nonbusiness groups, for instance, the Canadian Labour Congress; and other categorizations of pressure groups, for instance, the Canadian Council on Social Development. Each policy community consists of a grouping of government agencies, pressure groups, corporations, institutions, media people, and individuals who have an interest in that particular policy field and attempt to influence it. It is sometimes claimed that most public decisions in Canada emerge from the interaction of three agents: the cabinet, the senior public service, and the pressure groups.

The third reason of The Liberal Party makes a policy is under Mass media’s pressure. The phrase public opinion sometimes implies that a unanimous, informed view on a particular issue is held by all members of the public. Nevertheless, public opinions about topic issues frequently influence the actions of government. From the mass media research, government will know what is the emergency requirement of community. Public opinion can define as poll in election period. Perhaps the main issue that arises in the discussion of polls and pollsters is whether their pre-election predictions influence the election results. On the other hand, the polls probably have a significant indirect effect on the election results. Polls definitely detract from the discussion of real issues in the election campaign. Many political losers have blamed their fate on negative public opinion polls, and then I can see media’s influence from those blames. A federal party needs to take of the mass media’s pressure.

The fourth reason of The Liberal Party makes a policy is under opposition pressure. In order to defeat rival in the coming election, the federal party needs to make some policies to get an advantage position.

The fifth reason of the Liberal Party makes a policy is under Provinces pressure. Provinces’ supports are important in national election, so the federal party needs to satisfy provinces’ requirements. Different province has different requirement, so a policy needs to satisfy most provinces’ requirements. For instance, the Chretien Liberals were initially popular with provincial governments in offering funds under the national infrastructure program, and were somewhat successful in negotiating a reduction in provincial barriers to the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital across the country in the Agreement on Internal Trade.

The last reason of the Liberal Party makes a policy is under U.S.A pressure. Because of the historical reasons, Canadian policies were strongly influence by United States. Canadian government needs to make some policies to satisfy U.S. requirement.

No matter under what pressures, the only aim of the federal party to make a policy before national election is get more supports to win in the election.

The second area is, when the policy has become a law, how to bring it to bear in the wider community? Because when the policy passed the policymaking process, which means the policy just bring to bear in government. There are four ways to bring the policy in the wider community. The first way is Mass media advertising. Newspaper, radio, and television are most effective ways to advertise a policy in the community. Research displays that most of the information Canadian receive about the political process comes from television, newspapers, or radio, rather than from books or magazines. Although books or magazines also the advertising ways to make people know a policy. The media tell people what to think about, what the important issues are. The second way is federal government’s supports. Built a new agency to deal with the feedback of the policy, will solve the possible problems in execute process; and enforce the advertising of the policy, will help residents understand the policy more quickly. Both of these ploys can bring the policy to bear in the community. In order to bring a policy to bear in the community, not only needs the federal government’s supports, but also need the provinces’ supports. Although the federal government spends money to develop the policy, provinces governments still need to spend money to support the policy. In the exercise of spending power, Ottawa was able to establish national standards in a number of social programs, which means provinces governments need to follow the federal government’s activity. But because of the decline of cooperative federalism, the federal government’s policy needs provinces governments’ active supports. A policy that provinces governments executed will more effective to bear in the community than only depends on the federal government executed. The last way of bring a policy to bear in the community is take care of French culture, and aboriginal issues. Quebec is a problem to execute a policy from the federal government. In order to bring a policy to bear in the Quebec community, not only needs to use French advertising, but also needs to take care of the culture of this community. Aboriginal issue is another point needs to take care when execute a policy to bear in the community. Respects aboriginal culture and give their independence to deal with the policy will be the best way to execute in this area.

A policy has been made before a national election has several purposes. The most significant purpose will be making the policy as a jetton in the coming national election. The second purpose will be keeping balance between various forces. The third purpose will be improving the living standard of the residents.

seiyafan@2003-12-02 14:31


Raywell@2003-12-02 14:38

Moreover, it is close to the final......
Nobody has enough time to do so!

霸王哆啦@2003-12-02 14:40


Harmatia@2003-12-02 14:50

最初由 seiyafan 发布

Just grammar check.

sunny_rain@2003-12-02 18:18

All I can say is: it looks long and boring (no offense) >_<
And I slacked off my social class in high school, so afraid I'm no help at all, haha~~

jsan@2003-12-03 00:03

Is that the whole report? What degree of correction do you need?

Harmatia@2003-12-03 03:02

最初由 sunny_rain 发布
All I can say is: it looks long and boring (no offense) >_<
And I slacked off my social class in high school, so afraid I'm no help at all, haha~~

I agree, it is absolutely boring to people who are not studying it. :rolleyes:

Harmatia@2003-12-03 03:04

最初由 jsan 发布
Is that the whole report? What degree of correction do you need?

Yup, that's the whole report.

She needs the grammar/usage of words corrected so the whole thing is actually readable. It doesn't have to be sophisticated or anything like that, but the end product should be free of common grammatical errors and odd wording.

霸王哆啦@2003-12-03 03:06

i have no idea about what the difference is between the presidential conuntry and the cabinet one...

Harmatia@2003-12-03 03:08

最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
i have no idea about what the difference is between the presidential conuntry and the cabinet one...

That's because you didn't take Introduction to Comparative Politics. ;)

By the way, you have the movie for Five Star Stories? Send it to me some time?

jsan@2003-12-03 03:12

I will correct the grammar.

Harmatia@2003-12-03 03:16

最初由 jsan 发布
I will correct the grammar.

Yay, thank you!

When do you think you will be able to do it? (My friend needs to hand this in on Friday.)

霸王哆啦@2003-12-03 03:23

最初由 Harmatia 发布

That's because you didn't take Introduction to Comparative Politics. ;)

By the way, you have the movie for Five Star Stories? Send it to me some time?

all right,any time you would like.or u can ust your ed if u can bear the speed.

jsan@2003-12-03 04:00

Do you want me just past it here when it is done or sent it to you other ways?
