『漫游』酷论坛>『漫游水世界』>青青子衿>[原创]Fly Away

[原创]Fly Away

dreamswn@2003-12-04 14:40

很久以前看过一本书 “The Brave New World”。前几天看了一部电影感觉有点brave new world里面的味道。所以就写了这篇文章。。。希望大家喜欢。:p:p

Fly Away

You are now running in this cold metallic city
With tears ceaselessly flowing out from your eyes
Keep jogging
Searching for the exit
Yet all you realize is everything is ceased in this beautiful aquarium

It’s the brave new world
You and I
He and she
We are all wearing the same beautiful face
We are all singing in the same gorgeous voice
We are all coming from the same resemble line
You can’t tell apart if this is a dream or reality

What you see, what you feel
They are all true and fake
It’s the first time you ever feel lonely
It’s the first time you ever want to be cared
You can’t stop crying your heart out
You can’t stop thinking breaking out from this beautifully sealed artificial sky
You can’t stop imagine what will the world beyond this wall look like
Yet there is no one that will ever lend you a hand and will ever understand

Will you stay and keep crying and daydreaming?
Will you take whatever it costs and fly away?
It’s getting even harder
But it’s all in your hands

You pack your belongs
You keep telling yourself again and again don’t panic
Cuz’ there is a bluer sky outside
Cuz’ there are great pieces of green forest outside
Cuz’ this is your one and only dream

If this is life
If this is your choice
Keep standing by your own side
Don’t back down even if you gonna risk your life
Cuz’ you already on the train searching for a better place
Open your eyes
You are already touching a blue sky
Swing your wings and fly away!

Dec. 4, 2003

雷电@2003-12-07 20:48


Denny_S@2003-12-07 22:51


sunway961@2003-12-08 11:41
