看了个动画名字 sexy commando 是什么意思?
theanima@2003-12-19 11:50
8分钟左右一集的一个动画,名字是Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoiyo!! Masarusanxliz@2003-12-19 12:15
失算??樓主想幹什麽?呵呵~~~~Harmatia@2003-12-19 12:21
大地丙太郎的セクシーコマンドー外伝すごいよ!!マサルさん霸王哆啦@2003-12-19 12:36
性感突擊隊 ̄ε ̄?seiyafan@2003-12-19 13:29
紅粉兵團Harmatia@2003-12-19 13:33
楼上的翻译不错.....霸王哆啦@2003-12-19 13:55
特種部隊僑佳人 ̄ε ̄theanima@2003-12-19 14:14
呵呵,sunny_rain@2003-12-19 19:03
It's a very very very *very* scary anime >_<theanima@2003-12-20 00:33
gree with you~jsan@2003-12-20 01:15
"SCM is a series of shorts based on the local loser's desire to make 100 friends in his new school. Unfortunately the first friend he makes is a freak named Masaru. Masaru is... "tBlue@2003-12-24 18:51
没看过呢,你们都是在哪里找到的,听这个名字好像很刺激的样子amyfantasy@2003-12-25 11:24
性感特种兵theanima@2003-12-26 18:46
个人感觉不怎么好玩,只是看了几集来问问片名的意思而已~macrossjing@2004-01-08 08:42