『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[转贴]the story of Adam and ..

[转贴]the story of Adam and Eve, IRC version

Harmatia@2004-01-18 08:13

ATTENTION: Perhaps not suitable for children due to sexual references and language.

* Jehova has joined #Eden
Now, let's make that man.
* Jehova models some dust and clay
* Jehova breaths in the nostrils
That should do the trick
* Adam has joined #Eden
listen up, adam
I got some trees up there, and one of them is Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
If you eat from that tree, I'll kickban your ass
k, dude, relax
Almost forgot, I have some companions for you
* Bunch_of_animals has joined #Eden
Boo, hiss, rattle
Jeez, great
erm, Adam
You're not supposed to do that with a chicken
nm, I'll create another companion for you
You go to sleep now
* Adam is now known as Adam|zZz
* Jehova takes Adam|zZz's rib and builds a woman
* Eve has joined #Eden
* Adam|zZz is now known as Adam
newborn, female, eden!
omg! me too, but male
omfg! you're nekkid!
so what! your too!
* Jehova sighs
* Jehova has left #Eden
* Serpent has joined #Eden
Pssst! he said you can't eat the fruit?
Yeah, so?
lol, u wont die, eat a fruit!
* Eve munches
You eat too, Adam, or I won't go down on you
* Adam munches
I feel so drrrty
* Jehova has joined #Eden
what have you done?
it was the serpent!
Serpent, schmerpent!
* Jehova sets mode: -v Serpent
* Jehova sets mode: +b Adam!*adam@host1.10.1.genesis.com
* Jehova sets mode: +b Eve!*eve@host1.10.2.genesis.com
* Adam was kicked by Jehova (Get out!)
* Eve was kicked by Jehova (Get out!)
* Jehova changes topic to "and stay out!"
* Flamingsword has joined #Eden
* Jehova has left IRC (signed off)

xliz@2004-01-18 08:31

不过我怎么没看见什么sexual references and language?? ^^

Harmatia@2004-01-18 08:38

erm, Adam
You're not supposed to do that with a chicken
nm, I'll create another companion for you

You eat too, Adam, or I won't go down on you

as for language, random swearing

xliz@2004-01-18 12:44

haha.... 時運高,都剛好skip了……
不過go down on是什麽,我還真的不知道……

Harmatia@2004-01-18 12:48

....that's because you are innocent nee ^^

xliz@2004-01-18 12:55

最初由 Harmatia 发布
....that's because you are innocent nee ^^


emb422@2004-01-18 14:43


If that is the reason why the Forbidden Fruit was eaten, then...
what's the point of mankind's existence.

The Forbidden Fruit, the fruit of knowledge was eaten by the temptation of Satan, and most important, the curiosity of Eve. Obviously, Satan represents pure evil... but it's rather contraversial. If Satan represents pure evil, and the eating of the fruit is pure evil, then curiosity must be pure evil, too. But, curiosity is the only way to bring any innovation to a race, and only through innovation can a race surpass the others and survive in the world. Although by eating the fruit, man has forever lost the paradise, it is rather a blessing than to live like animals--to live in a life of ignorance.

Yes, in a way, ignorance is bliss. Without knowing the truth, lies can deceive people and give them an illustionary and happy life. But, truth, knowledge, and wisdom is a wonderful thing to persue after, even if the journy is painful. Life in reality is filled with dispair and pain... but through faith in ourselves, our goal, our Creator, we can find the true fruit through our courage.

Harmatia@2004-01-18 14:57

>>what's the point of mankind's existence.

Why do we need a reason to exist? ^^

xliz@2004-01-18 16:10

It's just for fun, no need to take it so seriously ^^