『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创]对小布什的State ..

[原创]对小布什的State of Union Address的一点感想.

whatever@2004-01-27 10:32

一月一日, 小布什发表了一年一度的State of Union Address, 为了EXTRA CREDIT, 我在新年当晚写了一篇4页长的感想(其实可能只有3页, 因为用了DOUBLE SPACE才变成了4页). 本来可能再写很多, 但因为没什么时间, 所以有很多方面都没有谈, 最后的两段也写得很草率.

On January.20, President Bush had his State of Union Address in Washington D.C. He talked about the terror after his compendious introduction. Then he talked about Iraq and the Middle East. After that, he shifted the topic to American economic and the little bit about the education. Also, he talked about the immigration law and the health care. Last, he talked about the drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, the marriage and the religious. And after briefly described the letter from a little girl, he ended his address with, “May God continue to bless America.”
First I have to admit, President Bush’s speech was articulate. However, if allow me to ask, I may ask thousand of questions. For the terror part, I was pretty disappointed. Why does he care about the terror so much while many schools don’t even have enough money to pay for one more bus for the kids (just like our school, I heard that we don’t have enough money to pay for one more IB bus for the IB students who live in Merritt Island; and the IB bus was actually overloaded). And he said, if we don’t resolve the terror problem, the terrorists would continue to plot against America and the civilized world. Assume that’s truth first. Then I got to ask, why do the terrorists will continue to plot against America? For a person to do something against his/ her conscience, usually, there must be some motivations (unless they are crazy), did America give them the motivations? Such as hatred, especially the religious hatred. If I am right, then as long as America still fighting with the terror, the war in middle-east will never end, unless America wipe them out completely. But if America really does that, then what’s the different between killing and saving? And I guess I am not the only one who questioning about do we actually get safer by attacking the terror? Or did we actually get more dangerous because the will revenge? And what is the Patriot Act? (Jeremy told me something about it, the Democrat against it, because this act contradicts with the 4th and 5th Amendment). In my opinion, the conflict in the Middle East is kind of the problem that reminded from the history and religious, and probably it’s also part of the reason why many Middle East people became terrorists. And it’s really hard to resolved by other countries, especially those that have different faith. Maybe America should help their people to help themselves out, but not just step in and do what we think it’s right. And I was wondered what was P. Bush actually talking about when he said, “I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom.” Different religious believe in different God, and different culture defined “freedom” differently, especially the Middle East, and some culture care about the happiness more than their rights and freedom.
What President Bush said about the Iraq it’s really irony. It’s not a bad thing to destroy Saddam’s regime if they ask for it, but now it’s a totally different story. P. Bush said, “America has always been willing to do what it takes for what is right. Last January, Iraq's only law was the whim of one brutal man. Today our coalition is working with the Iraqi Governing Council to draft a basic law, with a bill of rights.” What is the mean of “right”? Iraqi people think it’s right or American think it’s right? And I really doubt about the so-called law they’re going to draft, feel like actually is our coalition is working on it, instead of working with the Iraqi Governing Council. And I never feel the Iraqi people are freed. How long and how painful the reconstruction will be, especially they didn’t gain their so called freedom by themselves, and they neither have a strong leadership, nor talented leaders. My generation is the first generation that enjoys the success of the reconstruction and the revolution of China after WWII. Both of my grandparents’ and my parents’ generation suffered a great deal, and even my older cousins had a bad time during their childhood. And we’re really lucky, because we got many great leaders during those tough time, so China was rebuild pretty fast. But the conditions in Iraq is different, who is going to suffer again? The Iraqi people, And I felt really funny when P. Bush talked about the weapons in Iraq. Well then, it had been more than a year, where is the weapon? “We don’t have desire of domination and ambitious”, then what are we doing in Iroq if there’s no weapon? However, it’s very nice that America provided the Iraqi people foods and daily needs, that’s the things they need more than freedom.
For the economic part, I like some of them, but not all. P. Bush said, “America's growing economy is also a changing economy. Much of our job growth will be found in high-skilled fields like health care and biotechnology. So we must respond by helping more Americans gain the skills to find good jobs in our new economy…. We're providing more funding for our schools -- a 36-percent increase since 2001.” It’s really true, and it’s also a great decision. More people get train or more they improve, higher efficiency is going to be, and if the works are done more efficient, surely the economic will growth. And I think the No Child Left Behind Act is pretty nice too, we do have the responsibility to study better, because we are the future, whether the country is continuing to be powerful is base on us. Also, it’s great that the government put money for training the older students and the adults, and provide extra help to middle and high school students who fall behind in reading and math, expand advanced placement programs in low-income schools. These are much better than spend our tax money on war. Further, he said, “My administration is promoting free and fair trade to open up new markets for America's entrepreneurs and manufacturers and farmers -- to create jobs for American workers.” I believe the economic will growth, if the government is actually going to accomplish this, many people are still unemployed, and if they get a job, and get some money, they may support themselves, support their family by themselves, and the government could save some money for giving less people financial aid. And I think it is truth that there’s a need to cut wasteful spending, and be wise with the people's money.
I don’t know much about the new Immigration Law, but if that could create more jobs for American by preventing illegal immigrate, it’s not a bad idea, after all, those illegal immigration are actually hard workers for low wages and many place are willing to hire them. The health care part was also the part I like, especially the medical care for the seniors’ part. I felt that’s absolutely wonderful, the senior people do need more care and more attention from the government. Unlike many Eastern countries, most of the senior people here don’t live with their children, who know when they need help or need someone to take care them if no one ask them? Last year, I raise money for Relate for Life, when I asked some old people whether they would like to donate some money for the America Cancer Society to fight against the cancers, some of them responded, “ I wish the government could give me some money, so that I could have a better treatment.” I was shocked, when I heard that, and I guess it would be a great relief to the senior people when P. Bush said it’s going to be a 10-25% discount for drugs for the senior people, and the government will give them more medical care.
I don’t really like the rest of them, but it’s a good thing that the government is going to put more money into the drugs and sexually transmitted diseases program, but whether it will work or not, we’ll see. Overall, I felt not bad about what President Bush said in the State of Union Address, and I think it’ll be more wonderful, if the government could put more money into the colleges and the scholarships instead of terror and war.

cuke1982@2004-01-27 10:34


whatever@2004-01-27 10:35

看了电视或报纸的, 欢迎发表意见.


Lizard@2004-01-27 11:42


marywah@2004-01-28 01:44

The thing that strikes me is about Bushes' oppionion about marriage. He is really conservative

霸王哆啦@2004-01-28 05:43


whatever@2004-01-28 12:19

最初由 marywah 发布
The thing that strikes me is about Bushes' oppionion about marriage. He is really conservative

同意, 我也觉得很讽刺, 可惜没时间写那部分. 我的历史老师在看完致词的第二天, 跟我们谈论了半堂课, 其中另他最生气的就是MARRIAGE, 他说,"Why the hell he care about who we are going to marry?"

还有美国现在的经济并不好, 但是BUSH还说减税, 还有减这些, 减那些. 最让我生气的是, BUSH的弟弟也跟他说, 佛罗里达洲没钱, 在教育方面的资金更是缺乏, 奖学金是一年不一年少. 可是BUSH仍然一点也不以为然. 真希望他这次落选.

Harmatia@2004-01-28 16:57

I'm afraid he's gonna get elected again because the economy is coming back.

guogu@2004-01-29 00:24


emb422@2004-01-29 13:54

Mr. George W. Bush and his state of union address...
Well, I was kind of busy that day and didn't watch it... but I got the messege through internet and my friends. Here's my response:

First, concerning terrorism, there truly is no real solution whatsoever for at least another 20 to 30 years. Unlike open animosity, terriorism cannot be eliminated through wars: it will only grow because of the new enemies we created through wars. So, therefore, I do not think that the war on Iraq had anything with terrorism to begin with. Terrorism was a mere excuse Bush used for such a war. Then why did he declare war? Simple, he used the war as a skirmish for the military, and, of course, demostrate to the rest of the world United States' military superiority, again. If a super power such as United States do not participate in some great event such as wars, it will not be considered, or rather, feared as much by the rest of the world. In addition, petroleum is another goal Bush seeked in his war. How many times have we heard that the Iraqis can "rebuild" their countries by selling their oil to U.S? This war was a "wonderful" idea. We went in, took over, and make the Iraqis pay for the war through petroleum... This proves Bush to be prudent, I suppose. But it did not improve my opionion on him a bit... After all, such actions only brought more animosity from the rest of the world. As for "Weapons of Mass Destruction", it was more or less a joke--yet another 'Casus Belli' used by Bush. As for the Iraqi people, it is impossible to say what will happen. Iraq is a country filled by different religion--Sunni and Shi'te, and diffrent races--Arabs and Kurds. Even if they sucessfully create a constitutional government, further tentions may break out due to religious or political reasons. Anyway, Bush couldn't care less what would happen to the Iraqi people. After all, the war is PROFITABLE, and that, probabbly, is all that matters to him.

Second, concerning USA PATROIT Act of 2001--it had a good intention of protecting US citizens within our country. As I stated earlier, the elimination of Terrorism is impossible, so, therefore, the only way to prevent terror attacks is through increasing security. But, as many people noticed, USA PATROIT act of 2001 is a devious tool the government put to violate our basic rights protected by the Bill of Rights. Section 215 of the act stated that the director or a person under director of the FBI can obtain "any tangible thing" without the use of probable cause (as stated in Amendment 4). That, obviously, is not going to help any of us, but instead deplete us of our basic rights.

As for Bush's opposition of Homosexual Marriage, I do not have a problem. (That's my conservative part...) Basically, according to my belief, the legalization of homosexual marriage will shake the foundation of this very nation. First, why do people form government? Of course, the answer is "to seek protection". United States of America was founded to protect our "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". And exactly how is the government going to judge what is right and what is wrong? Through moral codes, of course. US was founded by the Christian moral codes, and by allowing homosexual marriage, this moral code will scatter to pieces... Therefore, homosexual marriage is morally wrong. Scientifically, homosexual marriage is not productive, therefore it is useless. Also, by giving the minority so sense of "equality" will distrub the majority, and create unrest all over this country. In the time of possible terror attacks, how can this country fall apart because of such nonsense as homosexual marriage?

As for the economy, United States really is recovering at this very moment. To see Nasdaq above 2000 points and Dow over 11000 is truly a joy... But, people are still complaining about the high unemployment rate. Actually, economically, unemployment rate is not supposed to fall right after an economic recovery. Only through a period (3-5) years of recovery can businesses have enough resource to hire more workers. Tax-cuts are already at work--in 2 to 3 years we shall see its true effect on the economy. (actually, by the time the economy fully 'recoveres', its' probabbly a year or two away from anoter recession... it's the simple boom and bust business cycle).

The new immigration law is OUTRAGEOUS! I have no clue why Bush, a conservative, would ever do such radical nonsense! By allowing illegal immigrants possibility of holding a working permit and adjusting status will only hurt American work force. Because of their low payments, general wage in US will drop to compete with these cheap labors. Also, it would not really help to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the United States--it will only encourage more people (especially those Mexicans) to cross the border.

Okay, anyway, that's all.
If there's any question, any concern, just tell me.

emb422@2004-01-29 13:59

最初由 whatever 发布

同意, 我也觉得很讽刺, 可惜没时间写那部分. 我的历史老师在看完致词的第二天, 跟我们谈论了半堂课, 其中另他最生气的就是MARRIAGE, 他说,"Why the hell he care about who we are going to marry?"

还有美国现在的经济并不好, 但是BUSH还说减税, 还有减这些, 减那些. 最让我生气的是, BUSH的弟弟也跟他说, 佛罗里达洲没钱, 在教育方面的资金更是缺乏, 奖学金是一年不一年少. 可是BUSH仍然一点也不以为然. 真希望他这次落选.

Tax-cuts promote economy bu circulating more money in the economy. It may work a little bit indirectly, beccause the business owners has to recieve the cuts first, then create more job opportunities.

Florida is having problem with scholarship money because the requirements for Bright Futures Scholarship is too easy! Last year, $240 million is spent on this scholarship... This scholarship covers so much of college tuition, and yet, it's so easy to get. 3.0 weighted GPA for 75% tuition??? Isn't that a little bit too low? Even the 3.5 weighted GPA for 100% tuition should be raised at least to 3.75.

jsan@2004-01-30 02:40

最初由 Harmatia 发布
I'm afraid he's gonna get elected again because the economy is coming back.

Economy is making a come back? It dose not feel that way. The interest rate is still low.

Harmatia@2004-01-30 13:31

最初由 jsan 发布
Economy is making a come back? It dose not feel that way. The interest rate is still low.

The interest rate is not the only indicator. People on the job search boards are getting more upbeat.

whatever@2004-02-01 10:28

最初由 emb422 发布
As for Bush's opposition of Homosexual Marriage, I do not have a problem. (That's my conservative part...) Basically, according to my belief, the legalization of homosexual marriage will shake the foundation of this very nation. First, why do people form government? Of course, the answer is "to seek protection". United States of America was founded to protect our "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". And exactly how is the government going to judge what is right and what is wrong? Through moral codes, of course. US was founded by the Christian moral codes, and by allowing homosexual marriage, this moral code will scatter to pieces... Therefore, homosexual marriage is morally wrong. Scientifically, homosexual marriage is not productive, therefore it is useless. Also, by giving the minority so sense of "equality" will distrub the majority, and create unrest all over this country. In the time of possible terror attacks, how can this country fall apart because of such nonsense as homosexual marriage?

As for the economy, United States really is recovering at this very moment. To see Nasdaq above 2000 points and Dow over 11000 is truly a joy... But, people are still complaining about the high unemployment rate. Actually, economically, unemployment rate is not supposed to fall right after an economic recovery. Only through a period (3-5) years of recovery can businesses have enough resource to hire more workers. Tax-cuts are already at work--in 2 to 3 years we shall see its true effect on the economy. (actually, by the time the economy fully 'recoveres', its' probabbly a year or two away from anoter recession... it's the simple boom and bust business cycle).

The new immigration law is OUTRAGEOUS! I have no clue why Bush, a conservative, would ever do such radical nonsense! By allowing illegal immigrants possibility of holding a working permit and adjusting status will only hurt American work force. Because of their low payments, general wage in US will drop to compete with these cheap labors. Also, it would not really help to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the United States--it will only encourage more people (especially those Mexicans) to cross the border.

Emb422, you know what the funny thing is? We often hold the opposite opinions, if I am dabating with you on IM now, it'll be an hour long debate.

Well, I do agree with you about the terror and the Patriot Act parts. But rest of them we almost opposite.

Maybe I am little bit opener than you do. I don't really care about the Homosexual Marriage. Although I never think it's right, I never think it's wrong either. The reason is to love someone, no matter a guy or a girl, it need great courage, and homosexual also relate to a person's own experience. Some of the guy fall in love with guy, because of they don't have a father when they're kids, or their parents were divorced. And some girls became lasbin(I don't remember how to spell it, it mean gay), due to frustrate with guys. So we can't blame them for loving someone, they should have right to be together.
Actually, I am pretty happy about the Tax-cut since my family is not rich anymore, and my parants have to save lot of money for me to go to college. But Tax-cut it's not good for America now since America always in debts; and cutting taxes also meaning cutting school funding. My school don't even have enough money to pay for one more IB bus. And Fl doesn't have enough money is not because Bright Future (many students go to other states' colleges, and Bright Future only cover Fl colleges). And you think the requirements are too easy because you are too smart. And I know those scholarships of other states' are not much harder, beside, how much you could get from the Bright Future? Compare to other states' scholarship, Bright Future is like nothing(and it's still getting lower and lower, if this year is lower than the N.Bate, Mu Althea Theter, the Science Olympaid scholarship, or the Art Scholarship, I would perfer to work hard on other instead of my school works).
Although I really hate Bush's radical nonsense due to the gov't give so little rights to the immigrations. But this time I do agree with him. It does necessary to pass a law to prevent illegal immigrations. Maybe you don't feel that way because you are already an American citizen. I will turn 18 before the Election of 2004, if I am an American citizen, I would have right to vote. But I don't, just because I am not an American citizen yet(I have to wait almost 3 more years for gaining the citizenship). Futher, I can't go to the Chemistry Olympiad Competitioin, I can't work at the NASA Sharp, and I can't get certain scholarship all due to I AM NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. If there isn't a law to pretect us, then what is the different between "legal" and "illegal"?
Well, I have to finish my essay now. Bye

nijiong@2004-02-01 14:31

