『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[请教]Letter to the editor ..

[请教]Letter to the editor是该怎么写的啊??

雨过天晴@2004-02-01 03:36


Harmatia@2004-02-01 03:48

Usually a letter to the editor expresses a different opinion/point of view than one that is voiced in the published newspaper article. Of course, you can agree too--but you should have some new information and do not simply reiterate what has been said already.


Dear Editor,

Regarding "XYZ" article published in ABC (cite date and page # here), I wish to point out that......

Harmatia@2004-02-01 03:53

Here is a letter to the editor I wrote which was published in the school newspaper.

Issue date: 03.19.2001

Stern, Tisch don't get a free ride on MAP
by xxxx

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

While I wholeheartedly agree with the main point of Chris Choi's Op/ed ("NYU without L. Jay like Bulls without Mike," March 8), it left me somewhat puzzled by its reference to the Tisch and Stern schools' partial disregard of MAP.

As a freshman in Stern, I can honestly say that getting out of certain MAP courses was never a free ride granted to us because we are "special." Students have to fight very hard to have their opinions heard by the Stern undergraduate administration, mostly through the efforts of the Scholars group.

Even so, it was not until well into this semester that two MAP courses had been eliminated as a part of the core requirement — and for many of us, it was already too late to drop/add courses.

While Choi's article was factually accurate, I feel that the implications that it made (not to mention the not-so-slightly-sarcastic "movies stars and Fortune 500 CEOs" comment) were unfair to the Tisch and Stern students. The fact that only Tisch and Stern students can get out of certain MAP courses is, I believe, hardly a result of granted privilege, but rather the refusal of other school administrations (CAS, Education, Gallatin, et al) to respond to popular student sentiments.



Stern Class of 2004

雨过天晴@2004-02-01 03:55


Harmatia@2004-02-01 04:00

Just pick any article from any paper. Flexibility is a good thing, use it. ^_^

雨过天晴@2004-02-01 04:00


Harmatia@2004-02-01 04:03

No problem. Just remember to keep the tone serious but respectful.