『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创]My Waterlilies

[原创]My Waterlilies

缺心眼子@2004-02-08 06:10


My Waterlilies

As a seed drifting in the wind,
I wade, I wade.
In the desert,
I think I’m lost.
The world is not the blueprint
That was promised.
In the sea of sand,
I’m bound by Lachesis to find my

In the sun glaring and the air hot,
With my feet filled with lead,
And my heart heavy in weight,
I wade, I wade.
Vaguely in the front
Looms a land of shade.
Gratefully my lips shake,
But as I draw closer and closer,
The trees fade,
And the oasis turns into thin cloud.
Again and again
My hopes blossom and wilt.
In the sea of sand,
I’m bound by Lachesis to find my

My hopes blossom and wilt.
I got tired,
And start to forget.
I almost forget how my expedition started
On that timeworn summer night.
Time chases the sunset,
And bit by bit
Eats my footprints.
I almost forget
In the sea of sand,
I’m bound by Lachesis to find my

One day in my despair
Something scratches my heart.
Suddenly I turnabout
Seeing my footprints reappear,
Then I realize
They’ve never died out.
Breeze puffing is my yearning reverbrating.
Rain drizzling is my tears sprinkling.
My footprints are becoming.
In the sea of sand,
Alone the track I’ve hiked,
Blooming are my

P.S. realization always comes at the end of a journey that the important thing is not what we have struggled for, but the journey itself.

jsan@2004-02-11 01:15

I like it! Got other works?